The birth place of Lord Krishna, Mathura is situated 55kms towards north-west of Agra in Uttar Pradesh. This holy town situated on the banks of river Yamuna is home to many historical and religious temples of Hindus. There are 25 ghats in Mathura and all are related to Lord Krishna. Devotees visit these ghats to perform religious rituals or for holy dips. The ghats towards the north are called Vishram ghats and those towards the south are called Moksha Ghats.
The best time to visit Mathura is during Holi and Janmashtami. The city is beautifully decorated during these festivities, depicting the life o Blue God. Though the city is mainly related to Lord Krishna, it also is of great importance for jains & Muslims.
Chanting of holy mantras, fragrance of essence sticks and the tranquil Yamuna ghats, Mathura is going to give your soul a divine experience.
Make it more divine with the information below and make your trip more comfortable to the land of krishna
Tags: Mathura Religious Places Uttar Pradesh