An evening dedicated to Poets & Poetry ‘Shaam-E-Ghazal’

NGO Sakshi, organized an evening of Ghazals, ‘Shaam-E-Ghazal’ recently at the India Habitat Centre, where the audience saw a stellar assembly of Modern day poets Farhat Shahzad, Laxmi Shankar Bajpai, Mamta Kiran, Aalok Shrivastav, Salahuddin Haque Abusarim Sarim reciting from their work and interacting with the audience.The  unique feature of the program was the rendering onstage of fresh Ghazals from the Masters of Contemporary Poetry, composed and sung by the very talented artiste, Shakeel Ahmed.

 In this unique program, Ghazals of contemporary poets with themes relating to modern day experiences, situations and emotions were composed and sung onstage.

The poetry captured one’s heart and the musical rendering by the singer enthralled the listener. A unique and immersive program where each poet was listened to, with anticipation and delight. The joy multiplied with the chance to interact with the Masters of poetry. Shakeel Ahmed’s unforgettably beautiful composition of the ghazals did complete justice to the poems and left us with ten beautifully hummable new Ghazals.

 “Ghazal is a demanding poetic format creatively, but rewards the listener with a multi-layered experience where verbal and aural imagery, combine to offer a new dimension wherein the emotions and expression of the poet are conveyed gloriously to  the audience. The five poets chosen are universally acknowledged Masters of their craft. Each one has used the Ghazal as an extremely telling medium to convey the depth of their feelings in an admirable brevity as demanded by the Ghazal format”, said Dr. Mridula Tandon.

 Celebrated and popular artiste, Shakeel Ahmed, provided an insight into the highly demanding and difficult art of the successful Ghazal composition. The Singer/composer must have a deep knowledge of Raagdari – Indian Classical Music, along with an easy familiarity and understanding of literature as well as a flawless pronunciation of the Hindi/ Urdu words. When these arts are exercised to perfection the resultant Ghazal is an amazingly beautiful, seemingly effortless song which “Speaks to the Heart”.

 Shakeel Ahmed’s impeccable gaayaki, understanding of poetry and love of Ghazals took audience into a magical world where the poetry and music make a deep impact on the listener.

 During the evening noted poet & lyricist Farhat Shahzad recited “Zara sa aap se bahar nikal ke Dekho to, Main zindagi hoon mere saath chal ke dekho to”, which had the audience enraptured. His poems show how beautiful our language is in communicating the deeply felt and unspoken emotions.

 Apart from the poets Vidushi Uma Garg (Dean of the Music Faculty, Delhi University), Rajiv Kumar Shukl (DDG AIR), Poet Vandana Yadav, Dr. Rashmi, Jaya Tandon, Jayshree Jain, Pt. Vijay Shankar Mishra, Former Chairperson of National Foundation for Communal harmony- Ashok Sajjanhar and  Noted poetess Baljeet Singha, Lt Gen Iqbal Sigha, were also spotted.

About Poets

Farhat  Shahzad is a name which stands tall in the pantheon of poets. His Ghazals create an imagery and a tracery of emotions which speaks to each individual as his ethos seems to arise from the humanity/ insaaniyat which is the cultural hall mark of the Ganga Jamni Tehzeeb of Indian civilization. Farhat Shahzad’s poetry has been sung by and celebrated by all our legendary ghazal singers of contemporary times, Mehdi Hassan, Jagjit Singh and Ghulam Ali. Lata Mangeshkar also sang his ghazal in her album Saadgi.

Mamta Kiran,  wields a formidable arsenal of heart searing comments as she translates contemporary situations to the poetic landscape.  Her use of everyman’s words seems deliberately intended to draw the reader’s attention   to the topical themes she chooses to discuss. Mamta Kiran’s words give voice to the lost for words common man’s  feelings when faced with contemporary situations. A renowned poet of international acclaim, The well  deserved accolades her work has received  places her  head and shoulders above her contemporaries  and places her squarely as a Master of Modern Poetry

Highly acclaimed poet  Laxmi Shankar Bajpai’s  internationally acknowledged , eminent stature.  as among the foremost exponents of Contemporary Poetry in the subcontinent is undisputed. His  work, as a  litterateur is very well known and needs no introduction. His easy use of words and  fluency with the structural technicalities required by different poetic formats complements the sensitivity of his thoughts and the immense diversity of his subject matter.  His poetry paints a vast canvas of the contemporary world and the mundane becomes extraordinary when spotlighted by his poetry.

Aalok Shrivatav  has made his mark as a journalist even as he has kept his standing as a Poet and litterauteur. Internationally acclaimed and feted at an early age, his poems have been sung by the unforgettable Jagjit Singh as also by the present day famous singers like Pankaj Udhas, Talat Azeez and the pre eminent classical vocalist Shubha Mudgal. We have heard his poems in the voice of the century’s superstar, Amitabh Bacchan

 His writings bring to centre stage human values and emotions. Sensitivity to interpersonal relationships and his skillful juxtaposition of everyday imagery within the fabric of human emotions is the hallmark of his writing. Aalok Shrivastav’s achievements belie his age and place him firmly as a Master of Contemporary Poetry

‘Sarim’, an architect designer by profession has poetry coursing through his veins. His ghazals highlight the beauty of this eternal art form. Salahuddin Haque Abusarim Sarim’s ghazals have a legion of admirers, his use of modern metaphors and enviable word art place him among the Masters of Modern Poetry.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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