Rohingya Migrant Crisis: Urgent discussion in progress at Bangkok



The discussion on the solution to counter the increasing Rohingya crisis has commenced and is in progress in Thailand’s capital Bangkok, being attended by the member nations of the ASEAN and representatives of the United States, Switzerland and UNHCR, an international body of the UN.

This discussion aims to solving the crisis which is becoming a challenge as scores of Rohingya migrants have fled Myanmar and Bangladesh fearing persecution and poverty. Though many were rescued in the last week, there are many still stranded in the seas.

Even as Myanmar in the Friday’s conference, reiterated it wasn’t to be blamed for this, the United States pitched for an urgent rescue of the migrants, who are living in unhygienic conditions on the boats and require attention. Thailand too called for an “international cooperation to solve the problem comprehensively”.

However, three crucial nations, Myanmar, Indonesia and Malaysia, have not sent its ministers for discussing on the issue. Also, many attendees are not even of the ministerial-level.

Myanmar, in its opening statement said, “In the influx of migration, Myanmar is not the only country.” It said the nation was suffering from human trafficking and that it is ready to cooperate with regional and international efforts to find “practical mechanisms” to deal with human trafficking.

Suyash Karangutkar

About Suyash Karangutkar

Suyash Karangutkar is a young, dedicated and an enthusiastic journalist who has a deep interest in National and International Affairs. He is an ardent political spectator who finds politics fascinating. At Spectralhues, he heads the Mumbai team and covers National Affairs & Politics. He also occasionally writes columns for Spectralhues. He can be followed on Twitter @columnistsuyash


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