Three black money account holders’ names revealed by the govt

The NDA government exposed names of three account holders on Monday who they claim have money in overseas bank. These three names were revealed in Supreme Court on Monday by the NDA government who had claimed that they have accessed the names of those who have stored black money in foreign banks.

supreme courtDabur’s Pradip Burman, Rajkot-based businessman Pankaj Lodhiya, and MD of Timblo Company Radha Timblo, are the three persons, whose names have been disclosed by the NDA government in its first go, informing that more names will become public in due course.

Rejecting the claims Dabur issued a statement on Monday which said: “We wish to state that this account was opened when he was an NRI, and was legally allowed to open this account. We have followed all the laws and the complete details regarding the account have been voluntarily, and as per law, filed with the Income Tax Department, and appropriate taxes paid, wherever applicable. Therefore, it is unfortunate that every person having a foreign bank account is being painted with the same brush.”

Pankaj Lodhiya too defended himself by saying that he does not have bank accounts in any foreign country and that all their income tax records are clear and they file regular income tax here in India. Timblo Pvt. Ltd.’s Radha Timblo said she needs to study the details of the government affidavit on black money before reacting.

Timblo and Lodhiya are donors: ADR

According to an analytical report of ADR (Association for Democratic Reforms), Radha Timblo, the Managing Director of TimbloPvt. Ltd donated a hefty amount to the BJP as well Congress in two financial years.

The report says: An analysis of the donations made by individuals and corporates to the National Parties between FY 2004-05 and 2011-12 shows that Timblo Pvt Ltd, whose Managing Director is Radha Timblo, had donated nine times to BJP amounting to a total of Rs 1.18 crores and thrice to INC, amounting to a total of Rs 65 lakhs in seven years.

The report also says that BJP’s donations report for the FY 2011-12 lists the name of Chamanbhai Lodhiya from Rajkot who had donated a total of Rs 51 thousand to the party.

Selective names revealed?

3_named_in_black_money_list_360In the aftermath of the revelation, the Aam Aadmi Part chief Arvind Kejriwal has accused the BJP for disclosing only selective names into public while holding back bigger names. Kejriwal has claimed that Anil Ambani, his brother Mukesh Ambani and mother Kokilaben Ambani possess accounts in overseas banks. According to the claims of Kejriwal, not just the Ambani’s but also Naresh Goyal, owner of Jet Airways, has accounts in foreign banks.

Kejriwal tweeted: “PM nominated Anil Ambani as one of the nine swachbharat ambassadors. Msg clear.Anil Ambani close to PM. How can IT dept act against him?”

“Swiss bank list contains MukeshAmbani’s name. Prime minister inaugurated his hospital recently. PMO tweeted Nita Ambani’s speech (1/2). Msg was clear that PM is v close to MukeshAmbani. Then how can u expect income tax dept to reveal his name or take action against him (2/2)”

Suyash Karangutkar

About Suyash Karangutkar

Suyash Karangutkar is a young, dedicated and an enthusiastic journalist who has a deep interest in National and International Affairs. He is an ardent political spectator who finds politics fascinating. At Spectralhues, he heads the Mumbai team and covers National Affairs & Politics. He also occasionally writes columns for Spectralhues. He can be followed on Twitter @columnistsuyash


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