Inter-caste Marriages: Khap Panchayat shows Green Signal

Haryana/Mumbai: After being in a heavy criticism for a long time for its Opposition towards the inter-caste marriages, Haryana’s biggest Khap has waved a green flag, in agreement to the Inter-Caste Marriages.

In a sudden yet acceptable and welcomed decision, Satrol Khap of Hissar gave this decision. Although a permit has been given to the inter-caste Khap Panchayat in Indiamarriages, some conditions continue to remain firm. According to the information accessed through The Time of India, Marriages within the same village and immediate bordering villages remain banned. Also, the newspaper reported that Same Gotra marriages too remain barred, and the weddings can take place only with the parental consent.

Although late, still this decision has been welcomed by people across the country. The Khap Panchayats have been in headlines quite often. The Khap Panchyats used to repeatedly oppose the inter-caste marriages. They were of this opinion that the bride and broom should be of the same caste. However, this no more remains valid as the biggest Khap Panchayat has taken an agreeable and a historic decision.

  • Khaps:

A Khap is a system of social administration. A number of villages grouped themselves into a Guhaand, these Guhaands formed a Khap and Khaps formed a Sarv Khap.

Decisions were made under the aegis of a council of five elected members. Decisions were made by consensus.

In some cases these Khaps are alleged to have initiated threats of murders and violence to couples who marry outside their circle. The Supreme Court of India too has declared illegal ‘Khap panchayats’ which often decree or encourage honour killings or other institutionalised atrocities against boys and girls of different castes and religions who wish to get married or have married.

HaryanaA statement from the Bench of Justice Markandey Katju and Gyan Sudha Mishra says, “This is wholly illegal and has to be ruthlessly stamped out. There is nothing honourable in honour killing or other atrocities and, in fact, it is nothing but barbaric and shameful murder. Other atrocities in respect of the personal lives of people committed by brutal, feudal-minded persons deserve harsh punishment. Only this way can we stamp out such acts of barbarism and feudal mentality. Moreover, these acts take the law into their own hands, and amount to kangaroo courts, which are wholly illegal.”

  • Reactions:

Spectralhues approached people of the country to know their perspective on this decision. Author and Photographer Heena Ahuja said, “It’s a good decision. People should be allowed to decide whom they want to marry with. It’s their life and after marriage they have to stay with that person. Such a decision during election period might be a strategy to fill in votes. Political parties often do such things to gain votes.”

A comment from Journalist Kamya Chaturvedi said, “It’s not only the matter of marriage which is important. I feel Khaps should be liberal men should assure and be liberal in their thoughts and approach and initiate education and security for the young generation which would give a better environment and assure reduction in any sort of nuisances which happens with orthodox and alien approach of people towards life.”

Sharing his viewpoint on the decision, Jay Morzaria, Founder and CEO of Freak organization said, “This can be just a random statement made during the election season. But, it is a step forward towards getting a modern outlook. Religion is an important thing in India when it comes to choosing a partner and so is caste. But it’s when two partners reach an adjustment to allow their cultures to flow freely without affecting each other’s set of basic values that a foundation for a strong marriage is built.”

Mech Junctions Co-Founder and CEO, Satwik Mishra too said that such developments are welcoming ones.

khap_panchayat“That’s indeed a great move if done with proper intentions. It will directly help in controlling honour killing cases and suicides. Moreover, it will change the mind sets of the people, with the people coming from different caste and different places, it will help them grow mentally,” said author Harpreet Makkar.

Since this matter is directly related to the lives of the youth of our country, we decided to approach Gaurav Mishra from Global Youth Forum who commented, “I think it’s a great thing. Inter caste marriage will no long be considered a wrong thing. Think if you are Punjabi and love a girl who Christian it is not your fault. Love is an important thing and the couple should be happy.”

Let’s not forget that when rape cases were reported we had many Khap’s commenting on girls and the incidents that happen against them. Tarun Kumar from Child Reporters – an organization said, “We appreciate and applaud this step of Khap Panchayat. This decision will lead to a reduction in the comments made on girls and their safety. We can expect this decision to usher in lots of changes. This decision was indeed a need of the hour.”

Many have lost their lives due to honour killings. Had this decision come a bit earlier then the precious lives of those killed could have been safe. Although late but this decision is seriously a fantastic one which everybody has welcomed. Marriage and selection of partners is a subject of individual choice as after marriage the husband and wife have to spend their life together. Therefore, in marriages likings from both ends are required. Walls of caste, creed, colour or religion should not create hurdles in issues as such. They simply create further relational rifts.

Suyash Karangutkar

About Suyash Karangutkar

Suyash Karangutkar is a young, dedicated and an enthusiastic journalist who has a deep interest in National and International Affairs. He is an ardent political spectator who finds politics fascinating. At Spectralhues, he heads the Mumbai team and covers National Affairs & Politics. He also occasionally writes columns for Spectralhues. He can be followed on Twitter @columnistsuyash


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