The gunning on Wednesday has left 14 dead and another 16 injured

Image: Reuters
USA: Two gunmen, suspected to have opened fire earlier in the day at a festive party in the San Bernardino community centre were on the run. The random attack, which killed 14 civilians and wounded 16 others severely, had forced the city to come to a standstill. Meanwhile, troops and troops of policemen set out to track the gunmen.
While police officials discovered the dead gunmen to have been carrying weapons such as assault rifles and handguns, the motive and origin of this attack is still unclear. The alleged shooters were dressed as assault troops as well. The police force is now deliberating over the possibility of it being a terrorist attack. The FBI has also become involved with the investigation. Said the Police Chief of san Bernardino Jarrod Burguan,” They came prepared to do what they did, as if they were on a mission.”

Image: AP
Moreover, police officers are examining a supposedly explosive device in the Inland Regional Centre, where the incident occurred. The community centre is largely a health care centre for adults with disabilities like autism and other mental disorders. However, there is no evidence to show that the shooting was in botheration with these people. Rather, confirmed the President of the centre, Maybeth Field, that there was a social event underway in one of the conference rooms, organized by the San Bernardino County Public Health Council. This was the epicenter of the attack.
Although hundreds of people were salvaged from the building when police forces took over, there were tens of others holed up in rooms, waiting for help, even as fear trickled into the building and cut across the city. The worst public shooting since the school shooting in Connecticut in 2012 (26, mostly underage casualties ), this comes only five days after the Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic attack, where five people were gunned down. Texted one terrified youngster stuck inside the building to her father, Terry Petit,” People shot. In the office waiting for cops. Pray for us. I am locked in an office.”
Source: BBC
Tags: Rapid manhunt San Bernardino