After beheading American Jurno, ISIS beheads a Kurdish Soldier

In a latest video posted by the ISIS, a Kurdish soldier is seen beheaded by the terrorists there in Iraq. This beheading was carried out for sending warnings to stop the military operation by Kurdish Forces and the U.S military.

A monitoring group told Agence France Press (AFP), “The jihadist Islamic State group has posted video of the execution of a captured Kurdish fighter, in a warning to Iraqi Kurdish leaders to end military cooperation with Washington.”

After beheading American Jurno, ISIS beheads a Kurdish SoldierAFP reported that a video titled “A message in blood to the leaders of the American-Kurdish alliance,” opens with 15 men in orange jumpsuits standing around the IS flag. The report quoted the SITE Intelligence Group monitoring service that said, “Three of the men ask Kurdish regional president Massud Barzani “and the Kurdish government to end their relationship with the US… military intervention in northern Iraq.”

This video comes in days after the ISIS posted a video of beheading the U.S journalist James Foley. Apart from beheading the journalist, ISIS has been threatening to kill another journalist Steven Sotloff.

The Kurdish Pershmerga Forces as well as the U.S military are trying to get back those areas which have been seized by the ISIS militants. The U.S operation in Iraq had begun with airstrikes after President Obama approved it.

Speaking on this issue in a recent press briefing, President Obama said, “Our military action in Iraq has to be part of a broader, comprehensive strategy to protect our people and to support our partners who are taking the fight to ISIL. And that starts with Iraq’s leaders building on the progress they’ve made so far and forming the inclusive government that will unite their country and strengthen their security forces to confront ISIL.”

President Obama told reporters that their strikes have cost ISIL terrorists arms and equipment, and Iraqi and Kurdish forces are continuing to push them back.

“Any successful strategy, though, also needs strong regional partners. I’m encouraged so far that countries in the region — countries that don’t always agree on many things — increasingly recognize the primacy of the threat ISIL poses to all of them.  And I’ve asked Secretary Kerry to travel to the region to continue to build the coalition that’s needed to meet this threat.  As I’ve said, rooting out a cancer like ISIL will not be quick or easy but I’m confident that we can — and we will — working closely with our allies and partners,” said President Obama.

·        U.S journalist Waterboarded?

The Washington Post reported that James Foley was waterboarded by the ISIS militants. Waterboarding, according to what we are learning, is a technique where in a cloth or plastic wrap is placed over or in the person’s mouth, and water is poured onto the person’s head. This leads to drowning like situation. This technique was approved by President Bush and was used on suspected terrorists by America. Later, President Obama excluded it calling it as a torture.

Dr. Allen Keller who has treated victims subjected to forms of near-asphyxiation, including waterboarding argued in an interview to The New Yorker that this was indeed torture. Some victims were still traumatized years later. One patient couldn’t take showers, and panicked when it rained. The fear of being killed is a terrifying experience’, he had said.

The FBI which is investigating James Foley’s death refused to comment, reported The Washington Post, and the CIA had no official comment either.

Suyash Karangutkar

About Suyash Karangutkar

Suyash Karangutkar is a young, dedicated and an enthusiastic journalist who has a deep interest in National and International Affairs. He is an ardent political spectator who finds politics fascinating. At Spectralhues, he heads the Mumbai team and covers National Affairs & Politics. He also occasionally writes columns for Spectralhues. He can be followed on Twitter @columnistsuyash


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