Exclusive interview with Adish Vaidya of Ratris Khel Chale

Spectralhues interacted with one of the actors of Ratris Khel Chale, Zee Marathi’s one-of-its-kind serial, Adish Vaidya, who is seen playing the role of Archis, a young college-going boy, who is compelled to stay in his village due to untimely circumstances. Following are the excerpts:


You have worked in Jayostute, a law-oriented serial, and now, Ratris Khel Chale is a complete different concept. So, how is it working in these serials with different concepts?

I started off my career with the first episodic of Jayostute. It was altogether a different experience because I was pretty much new in this industry. So, I cannot forget that experience because it taught me a lot. Surely the daily soaps and episodics I have worked in have helped me to groom myself for this serial. The experience in Ratris Khel Chale is certainly different as it is a Zee Marathi serial and we are getting fruits out of it. We are working in Sawantwadi. It`s a completely different project. I don`t think across the industry people have gone outdoors for such a long time for a daily soap. We are doing that and we are getting a very good response from the public as well. But in retrospect, if you compare it to Jayostute, it is actually not comparable. But yes, Jayostute, Tumcha Amcha Same Asta (TASA) and everything else I have done in my life before this has helped me. And even this show would help me in the near future.

How the cricketer in you turned towards acting?

Well, I have played cricket for many, many years now, for Mumbai affiliated club and college. I have always had this interest or call it passion, for acting. I used to go to Mumbai University to watch Youth Festival and stuff like that. I had prioritized cricket as a career at that time, but I couldn`t do both. Although, I wished to do both, there was a time when I got the opportunity to do an episodic and I thought to myself, maybe I am good in it. So, I decided to give it a shot. But then I was at a point where I had to choose between cricket and acting. Considering positives and negatives of both, luck factor and all, I decided to go for acting.

Cricket is still my passion and even now I haven`t discontinued it. As and when I am free from acting and if I get an opportunity to play for a club or anything, I still do it. But considering the career, I have totally made acting my career.

How did you bag this offer?

I was on the set of Star Pravah serial Tumcha Amcha Same Asta. We got information about RKC. A friend of mine and I decided to go in for the audition. I think it was just a matter of sheer luck.

Tell us about yourself.

I am still exploring many things about myself. But I live my life straightforward. I am clear about what I have to do in my life and what not. I live in the moment. I cannot predict the future or much dwell into the past. To tell you an unknown fact, I am a person who hates studying. I hate bookish knowledge. That is why perhaps acting and cricket have been my passion. I don’t believe in such knowledge where you have to study, sit indoors for 6 to 10 hours. I don’t mean to offend such people or it is not that I am against them. Even I have been a Chartered Accountant student. I have cleared CA and MBA entrances. But I have never been interested in that and I knew it from the beginning.

I believe in interacting with people, communicating, knowing their experiences and sharing mine. This kind of knowledge is very essential, that is what I feel and I always look out for such kind of knowledge. And if I study for even three hours, you will literally see me crying. I cannot do something great in that. That is the reason I left CA, but maybe, I will do part-time MBA as you need an academic backup in life.

Ratris Khel Chale is based on supernatural concepts and is full of suspense and horror. What is your personal take on it? Do you believe it exists in reality?

As of now, I can’t conclude whether it is supernatural or not, because we haven`t arrived till the end yet.

The shooting location of Ratris Khel Chale is completely different from other serials. It is located in a Konkan village, far away from Mumbai. So, tell us about some behind-the-scenes incidents or experiences that happen over there.

The core idea of having a real location was that we wanted some authentic feel to it, we wanted to look it real. More certainly, we are deriving the benefits of it because shooting it in Mumbai, doing it in a properly maintained way and developed state is a completely different thing, but shooting it in a real location certainly adds the feel to it. And this is a serial where feel and content both are important factors. Much thanks to our producers and channel team as it was their idea. They have worked on it and it has certainly helped us a lot.

What was all that you had in mind while accepting this offer? Were there any apprehensions?

When I got to know that this is a Zee Marathi serial, I did not think much. When I got to know about the concept, that moment itself I very well knew that this is something different and no other serial of this genre is happening elsewhere. Certainly, I knew at that very moment that people are going to love it. So, I didn`t think much about it and I am feeling quite good about it that I took this decision.

There were recent controversies hovering over the serial by certain political parties. Were there fears that the serial would be brought to an end?

I, as an actor, cannot really comment on that. We have the channel people to look after it. My duty is just to act and make sure that the show goes on successful. Rest all the issues are with people who handle it effectively.

We have been asked to focus on our work and rest everything would be handled by the concerned people. And whatever it is, the show must go on. We, as a team, decided that we won`t let it affect our project and that is it.

What sort of response are you getting for your character?

Honestly, the response is very overwhelming. Every character is properly distinguished as you can see it in the serial. The main crisp factor of this show is that it is far different from any other daily soap. That is why people love it. This serial would really be remembered by them, because it is not a stereotypical, usual daily soap. This is one different factor of the serial that takes us above all others.

What is up next on your part?

First of all, let us see where the serial takes us. Personally, I am just focused on this project right now. I don`t know what is there ahead of me. But after this, life is going to continue. I may get another offer. I haven`t planned it as of now. But whatever comes in my way, I will think about it. If it is beneficial for my career, I will go for it.


Rutuja Bhosle

About Rutuja Bhosle

An Erratic Teen. Media aspirant. Bollywood Buff. Hardcore Music Lover. Churned in daily, monotonous routine and run-of-the-mill jobs, we all get bored and exhausted. During such times, it is the source of entertainment that provides a window to something which is exciting and tranquil at the same time! After all, life becomes fascinating only because of three essentials: ‘Entertainment! Entertainment!! And Entertainment!!!’ Keeping that in mind, I am here to pen down some riveting news for you all from the glamorous world of entertainment! That's not it because ye toh sirf trailer tha, asli picture toh abhi baaki hai mere dost! Can be followed on twitter: @aspiring_ruru and instagram: @rutuja_26_


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