Universal To Remake “The Birds”

Remakes are in style once again. And, this time, the remake will be done of none other than the master of suspense movies – Alfred Hitchcock. After successfully remaking several the birds80’s slasher films, Michael Bay and his Platinum Dunes banner is remaking Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.

Platinum Dunes and Universal have tapped Dutch filmmaker Diederik Van Rooijen to direct the remake. Rooijen is famous for his “Tapped”.

Hitchcock’s legendary film portrayed a San Francisco socialite who moves to a small northern California town that is suddenly under attack from various types of birds. The producers still haven’t spoke of if any change is brought in the remake.

Sankha Ghosh

About Sankha Ghosh

Sankha Ghosh was never born in that 'City of Joy', never was a banker, never watched a Godard, never loved Kafka, never fell for that Solitary Reaper, never danced on a friend’s wedding, never fought for human rights, never had a crush at college and never ever aspired to work on a novel! Never was he as simple as this! #He wishes


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