Oscar Fever On: “Metro Manila” Declared Official Entry From U.K.

Metro ManilaThe race for 86th Academy Awards is heating up every moment with the submissions of films announced by the countries worldwide. and, officially, U.K. has selected “Metro Manila” as their submission in the foreign film category.

The Philippines-based thriller has won this year’s audience award for world cinema at Sundance. Metro Manila tells the story of Oscar Ramirez and his family’s search for a better life in the bustling Philippine capital city of Manila – and his unintentional invitation of issues endangering themselves.

Though the film was shot in Manila, the Philippines capital, and in Tagalog, it was shot by British filmmaker Sean Ellis – this has been selected based on a rule change in 2006. Before that it was not possible for a film to be submitted if not done in their official language. The film is releasing on 20th September.

Sankha Ghosh

About Sankha Ghosh

Sankha Ghosh was never born in that 'City of Joy', never was a banker, never watched a Godard, never loved Kafka, never fell for that Solitary Reaper, never danced on a friend’s wedding, never fought for human rights, never had a crush at college and never ever aspired to work on a novel! Never was he as simple as this! #He wishes


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