Movie Review:- Avengers: Age of Ultron

In one of the light-hearted scenes of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’, all the superheroes are seen to party and try their hands at lifting Thor’s hammer. Stark in his witty self asks- “So if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?” It is among my favourite scenes in this sequel to the 2012 flick. Like it, this also works greatly for the irrelevant and funny banter between our Marvel Superheroes who are saving the world while doing that.

Avengers - Age Of Ultron Official Poster

We begin with our Avengers in the midst of a battle; it’s them versus Baron Strucker who now has the Sceptre Loki was after. Stark a.k.a. Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) gets hold of it and decides to take it to experiment. He and Banner a.k.a. Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) start working on an Artificial Intelligence- Ultron; Stark’s mission is to create a global peace initiative. While they are at it, they try to figure out how the Sceptre can be of help if Ultron and Stark’s own program Jarvis can work in tandem. But it turns out Ultron is out to eradicate humanity.

Director Joss Whedon keeps it just like the prequel. So, we have all the six Avengers having a lot of fun while they are at their mission. But this time, they are joined by twins Pietro a.k.a Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) as well. Even if you have not been an ardent follower of the comic books, there is a rare chance you won’t enjoy ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’. The action is just perfect and there is a lot of it so you won’t be disappointed. Neither will fans of the superheroes; each of whom get a fair screen space. What probably doesn’t work as much as the prequel is the plot which was more massy and simpler; also the fact that we don’t have Loki here.


Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) gets the best lines this time too and rightly so, not just because his character demands it but also because he can carry it off with style. His is the best screen presence in this instalment too. Chris Evans (Captain America) is just perfect for the role. Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) is fantastic and there is a lot he says even with his stare when he is just the scientist. Tormented because he knows he can never become normal, there is a certain depth Ruffalo brings to the character.

black-widow-the-avengers-age-of-ultron (1)

Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) is equally brilliant in bringing out her pain; well-shown when Scarlet Witch plays mind tricks and transports all of them to their biggest fears. The love angle between Hulk and Black Widow is subtle and endearing. Chris Hemsworth (Thor) doesn’t have much to do this time but does it well. Jeremy Runner (Hawkeye) also manages to stand tall and bring depth into his character and he is portrayed as a family man this time. Elizabeth Olsen, Aaron Taylor, Samuel L. Jackson- all are competent and leave a mark.

Watch it or not: Don’t miss it even if you have no clue about these superheroes. It’s fun even then.

At the Box Office: A huge summer blockbuster. Did I need to tell you this?

In one of the light-hearted scenes of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’, all the superheroes are seen to party and try their hands at lifting Thor’s hammer. Stark in his witty self asks- “So if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?” It is among my favourite scenes in this sequel to the 2012 flick. Like it, this also works greatly for the irrelevant and funny banter between our Marvel Superheroes who are saving the world while doing that. We begin with our Avengers in the midst of a battle; it’s them versus Baron Strucker who now has the Sceptre Loki…
With due regards to Captain America, I won’t mind my language here. This is f***king awesome! I said freaking!
My Verdict


With due regards to Captain America, I won’t mind my language here. This is f***king awesome! I said freaking!

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Abhirup Dhar

About Abhirup Dhar

I don't watch movies... I live them! Let me introduce myself. Abhirup Dhar was born in Kolkata and is still being brought up in India. A banker by profession, he is filmy to the core and is passionate about reviewing movies and writing. He likes to live on his own… he likes to be blunt, sarcastic, famous, infamous, confident, over-confident, moody at times… he likes to be himself. He is imperfect because perfection is boring. His love for movies dates back to his childhood days when he studied in a boarding school. A three-month Winter Vacation every year… and he made sure he watched as many movies then. Parents thought it was a phase... he knew it was Passion and he knew it back then itself. The craziness to watch movies on the Big Screen began during the last two years of school when he literally bunked to town so that he could catch up with the new Hindi Movie releases. Some thought he was plain crazy. He confirmed it was Passion... yet again. The hard fact is that not always can you walk a path you are passionate about. You have expectations to fulfill and Life to be made. But Life gives you chances and you have to grab them. So... here is he... your friendly critic who will be giving you his Verdict every week so that you can decide which release is worth your moolah and which is not! See you at the Movies! Stay connected at Facebook and Twitter!


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