Stuart Hall – The Godfather of Multiculturalism – passes away

Stuart Hall, one of the most prolific intellectuals of Britain passed away. He was 82 years old and had been suffering ill-health for sometime.

Stuart Hall: 1932-2014.Popularly known as “The Godfather of multiculturalism” – Hall has been an influencial figure in shaping cultural, political and social debates over last six decades. He was a key figure in the development of cultural studies as an academic discipline.

He wrote on race, gender, sexuality and identity, and the links between racial prejudice and the media. His articles were highly acclaimed and were groundbreaking. He was closely associated with the journal Marxism Today in the 1980s. His voice was pivotal in shaping progressive debates about the topics.

Film-maker John Akomfrah made a docu-film on his life – The Stuart Hall Project which was shown in September.

Sankha Ghosh

About Sankha Ghosh

Sankha Ghosh was never born in that 'City of Joy', never was a banker, never watched a Godard, never loved Kafka, never fell for that Solitary Reaper, never danced on a friend’s wedding, never fought for human rights, never had a crush at college and never ever aspired to work on a novel! Never was he as simple as this! #He wishes


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