One night stands is waste of time: Izabelle Liete

Her face is not new to the industry, you may have often seen her in many advertisement specially Lakme apart from her Bollywood attempt.  Well Izabelle Leite, Brazilian model and actor, has already made her silver screen debut with movie ‘Sixteen’ and recently has been spotted in ‘Purani IZABELLE-6Jeans’ opposite co-star Tanuj Virwani. The actress gets candid in the chat with Spectralhues and faces the volley of rapid questions.

1. First crush

A surfer, I dated him for 4 years.

2. Films you’re dying to watch this year

Dallas buyers club and The wolf of wall street.

3. Two actors you want to work with

Ranbir Kapoor and Dhanush.

4. Perfect boyfriend material in industry

First of all sense of humour, honest, be kind and understanding partner.

5. Working out at the gym or outdoor sports?

Outdoor. Jog and Muay thai.

6. What is romance for you?

Be with someone that makes you feel good.

7. Have you ever cooked for your man?

Yes, of course.

8. Your favourite horror film?

I don’t watch horror movies.

9. Your take on one-night stands?

I think it’s a waste of time.

10. What comes to mind when we say Botox?

It depends where. Sometimes it can look nice or it can look really bad. I would say a duck. That’s what comes in my mind when it doesn’t suit the person.

11. If you were asked to tattoo yourself…

I would tattoo things that have a big meaning to me and not only do for the sake of have a tattoo.

IZABELLE-1712. The one thing you’d love to learn from your mom?

To be a good mom and a calm and patient personality as she is, for sure.

13. If you were a dish, you would be…


14. Has a fan misbehaved with you?


15. Your blondest moment yet

When I saw Barney on Television and I told my friend Ohhh I love Teletubbies.

16. Favourite books…

The Alchemist, Manuscript Found in Accra.

17. If you like someone would you make the first move?

Yes, there is always a nice way to talk to someone you’ve liked.

18. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

I thank God to be alive.

19. The best gift you’ve received?

My family and my friends, I think God is really kind to me.

20. The most absurd rumour you’ve heard about yourself?

That my co star Tanuj is my ex boyfriend.

21. If you woke up as Shahrukh Khan…

I would love to wake up like him one day. (Winks) I would do so many things…. But for sure I would help as many kids as I could, I would incentive people to keep the city clean, and also do campaigns for Men to respect more the Women. Oh also do his next movie with Izabelle. Lol!

22. Your favourite destination?


23. Three things you can’t go without?

Faith, my loved ones, love.

24. What turns you on and puts you off about a man?

It’s really important to be kind and romantic, what turns off is when they are snob and insecure.

25. Has someone broken your heart?

Few times…

Toshi Vijay

About Toshi Vijay

From past some years writing for me has turned all about interaction with new people, writing is one of the sources one can show the love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with words, and I hope I can share lot of resourceful information, quotes and provoking thoughts through this ahead.


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