Dr. Kiriti Sengupta is back with his new book, My Glass of Wine

Popular author Kiriti Sengupta is back with his new book My Glass of Wine, which is slated to be released on December 24, 2013.

MY-GLASS-OF-WINE-664x1024After the success of his other four books  – The Reciting Pens (his interviews of three published Bengali poets along with his translations of a few of their poems), The Unheard I (literary nonfiction), Byakul Shabdo Kichu (Bengali poetry), and Aay Na (Bengali nonfiction based on free verses) – this is Kiriti’s fifth book – a novelette based on autobiographic poetry, published by Author’s Empire.

Kolkata based Dental Surgeon Kiriti Sengupta is a well-known bilingual poet. He has also done several translation works both in Bengali and English. A proud member with the Inner Child Press, limited (U.S.A.), Kiriti’s earlier works have been published in e-zines, Tajmahal Review, Kritya, The Hans India, and in international anthologies – Heavens Above: Poetry Below (Canada), and Twist of Fate (U.S.A.).

My Glass of Wine features seven wonderful chapters with human emotions and relations. Throughout the book he tries to touch upon various cultural aspects in India, and of course he did not leave the core essence of love. Blessed his poetic soul!

While ‘As I Traversed’ talks about a beautiful romantic date between author and his wife, ‘My Glass of Wine’ scrutinizes religious fanaticism and author’s search for Christianity. In ‘My Sister’s Bhaiya’ author focused on religion which “has left its profound mark in the psyche of Indians, but has failed to alter their behavioral pattern.” ‘In Southern Affiliation’ author praises south-Indian people for their warm hospitality and applauds them for representing “true flavor of the Indian culture”. In ‘Rains’ Sengupta talks about love, which “is not a volatile thing, but a strong cerebral affair”. In ‘Clips’ the author portrays parent-child relationship, and in ‘My Master and Kiriti SenguptaThe Cover’ he continues with his soul search.

The usage of brilliant illustrations in each chapter makes the book more attractive and worth keeping it. We expect that Kiriti Sengupta’s My Glass of Wine will be received as warmly by the readers as his previous books. So, all the book lovers across India please get ready to read another master piece from Kiriti Sengupta during this Christmas! Hopefully this book will match up our expectations.

My Glass of Wine will be available in all the major bookstores and websites across the country from next month.

Book Details:

Title: My Glass of Wine

Author: Dr. Kiriti Sengupta

Publisher: Authors Empire India

ISBN-13: 9788192861906

Price: Rs. 125

For pre-booking click on the below link :

http://www.kiritisengupta.com/books/my-glass-of-wine/ or send a mail at preorder@kiritisengupta.com

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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