The Inheritance of Loss

Book Summary:

The Inheritance of LossSecond novel of Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss has won many awards including the Man Booker Prize for that year, the National Book Critics Circle Fiction Award in 2007 and the 2006 Vodafone Crossword Book Award. The novel is set against the back-drop of the north-eastern Himalayas, in a small town of Kalimpong. The 3 main characters of the novel are Sai, Biju and the retired Judge. Sai, an orphan girl is send to live with her retired Jemubhai, who considers himself more of British than Indian and is cold to emotions. Biju on the other hand is an illegal immigrant in USA and is a cook there. The story moves between USA and India and is mainly related to colonialism and the effects of post colonialism. The Inheritance of Loss, is a story of loss and despair of Sai and Biju in different lands struggling for their identity.

Kiran Desai beautifully portrays the characters and human emotion mystery. She is able to nail some unshakable truths of life brilliantly with her flair of description. The Inheritance of Loss is smart, witty and honest work of Kiran Desai which will keep you engross in the book till the last word of the novel.

Book Details:

Title: The Inheritance of Loss

Author: Kiran Desai

Publisher: Penguin

ISBN-10: 0143102788

ISBN-13: 9780143102786

Year of Publication: 2007

Cover: Paperback

Pages: 336

MRP: Rs. 399

Book Summary: Second novel of Kiran Desai, The Inheritance of Loss has won many awards including the Man Booker Prize for that year, the National Book Critics Circle Fiction Award in 2007 and the 2006 Vodafone Crossword Book Award. The novel is set against the back-drop of the north-eastern Himalayas, in a small town of Kalimpong. The 3 main characters of the novel are Sai, Biju and the retired Judge. Sai, an orphan girl is send to live with her retired Jemubhai, who considers himself more of British than Indian and is cold to emotions. Biju on the other hand…
Summary: A must read book for all book lovers.

Summary: A must read book for all book lovers.

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About Manpreet

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn the more places you'll go.” I believe in the above saying from the time I was introduced to the term “Library”. Reading books is not just my Hobby but also my passion. Social Media Specialist by profession, Books are my first love. A total Workaholic by nature, Books are my source of rejuvenation I need a book with me every night and every weekend. My love for books goes back to school time, when books were my companion in Summer Vacations. Started with Nacy Drew and now Reading Elif Shafaq-the passion grew over years. I always wanted to write reviews for books, but never got a chance, but now here I am, reviewing my favorite books for all the readers. Join me in my world of Books, as I give you an insight of my favorite books! Stay Connected Stay Blessed.


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