You Raise Me Up by Arjun Hemmady– A Review

“Behind every successful man, there is a woman.”

Well, this might sound very, very cliched, but in no way deniable. And it this overused, cliched line that forms the crux of Arjun Hemmady’s novel You Raise Me Up.

Before getting into deeper analysis of the novel, let’s focus on the title of the paperback. It is quite a known fact that the title of any piece of literary creation is primarily an index of what the novel consists. And coming to this one, there has been no exception. The title is a befitting start to what follows throughout the entire journey that the three principle characters go through! It provides a sense of nurturing, a sense of creating something out of absolutely nothing.

Aalok, the protagonist, portrays a character which is essentially a common man of the 21st century yet having qualities that could leave anyone impressed. And around him are two women – Taanvi & Priyanka. Both are very much representative of the modern day concept of a feminist society. However, both of them are different in their own ways. Taanvi, at times, turns out to be whimsical but she possesses the courage to take certain decisions which not many can take. On the other hand, Priyanka is someone who is calm and composed and has the capability of handling any situation on her own.

Now the credit of the author lies in the fact that he manages to depict all the characters in their own way. A reader can identify with the characters – such has been the development of the character throughout the novel. But how it happens? Let’s not spoil the party, you must give a read.

However, there are few things which might make few readers cringe about because, the entire novel is infested with lots of women characters – one that might remind you of one of the daily soaps which run on the television. But, unlike all those dailies, Arjun Hemmeady’s You Raise Me Up, is much more realistic. And that makes it very readable. 

Also, it is very much possible that Taanvi and Priyanka are one – one lady with two facets of womanhood. They could be the alter ego of each other. But that is up to the reader to decide. So get hold of a copy of Arjun Hemmady’s You Raise Me Up, because it’s not going to be long before the online and the offline stores start running out of stock. Order it NOW!

Book details :-

Author: Arjun Hemmady
Publisher: Leadstart Publishing Private Limited Publishing year: 2017
ISBN-13: 9789352013883 ISBN-10: 9352013883
Cover: Paperback Pages: 364 
MRP: 375 Buy From
"Behind every successful man, there is a woman." Well, this might sound very, very cliched, but in no way deniable. And it this overused, cliched line that forms the crux of Arjun Hemmady's novel You Raise Me Up. Before getting into deeper analysis of the novel, let's focus on the title of the paperback. It is quite a known fact that the title of any piece of literary creation is primarily an index of what the novel consists. And coming to this one, there has been no exception. The title is a befitting start to what follows throughout the entire…
The world of You Raise Me Up is certainly a woman's world where from the perspective of a woman only, unlike most other popular coffee table novels.

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The world of You Raise Me Up is certainly a woman's world where from the perspective of a woman only, unlike most other popular coffee table novels.

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Argha Ghosh

About Argha Ghosh

An ardent follower of sports and die-hard Manchester United fan, Argha's ultimate dream is to watch a Manchester derby from the Stretford End at the Old Trafford.


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