You Raise Me Up by Arjun Hemmady – A Review

“Time is like river. You cannot touch the same water twice.” ‘You Raise me up’ will restore a precious space in my memory for its dialogue style of writing throughout the book. Author Arjun Hemmady tries to explore Shakespearean dialogue style of writing. Proper exposure of characters, sequence, climax and anti-climax bestows a wind of goodwill whose intangible existence can be perceived ubiquitously. Likewise contemporary Bollywood films amidst feminist society, the book finds no exception in the inquisitive sense of making a woman rekindles her empowering spirit of raising a man’s maturity manifold. Here You resembles a girl named Priyanka and Tanvi while Me resembles Aalok. Now, unfolding the jinx of the story, it speaks of Aalok leading a diffident life. How a subtle humiliation by the desired beauty (here Tanvi) inspires Aalok to choose his career of Chartered Accountancy over Hotel Management, the story speaks of. How does an emotional support by a sultry female (here Priyanka) motivates a man to take vital decision, the story speaks of. Now, let us have a view of the intertwining characters of the story.

Tanvi: Ambitous, alcoholic, weird, apologetic, courageous yet pampering caring, poignant and courteous. Being a novice in Mumbai she tries to find solace and emotional shelter from the Sharma’s, Aalok’s parents. A bite of her moody character deciphers when she scolds and abuses Aalok for no reason. Again being apologetic she surrenders herself with all her prestige towards Aalok. Fights with her drunkard father for Aalok’s dignity. Tries her level best to be a good and supportive wife. Despite being financially more capable than Aalok, she never shows her dominant attitude towards him. But when she does not get the evocative response and respite from Aalok, she takes no time to quit her lifelong conjugal relationship with him. After a certain time, again tries to bind the knot with him out of sheer reclusion and emotional insecurity but unfortunately fails to do so. Arjun Hemmady tries to portray a character with assets like affection, ambition, courage, concern and liabilities like whimsy, weird, nonchalance.

Priyanka: Pragmatic, Puissance, Babelicious, Sundry, Supportive. A perfect example of bold beauty. She remains indifferent to other people’s sentiment and judgment, and but gives her care and concern to those she adores from heart. She takes help from an unknown person without knowing his whereabouts, helps him in distress, protects him from being bullied, gives emotional touch to his cathartic soul. Tries to reconcile the enchanting love of pensive heart. Author creates this character with  unique harmony  of passion with empathy.

Aalok: He personifies today’s common man amidst feminist society. He has got all the attributes for establishing a good-boy image. Diffident, Obedient, Gullible at one end while Protective, Affectionate, Passionate, Conscientious at the other end. This creation of the author can be analogous to any ingenious hero of movie. Bereft of conjugal happiness from his wife Tanvi, he leads a solitary life till he finds his emotional solace in Priyanka. This character seems to be a miscellany of nostalgia, ingeniousness, stoic and romance.

Isha and Sheetal: Isha is Aalok’s twin sister and Sheetal is her husband. Isha personifies a straight forward, compassionate lady who has got loads of love and respect for her brother Aalok. Sheetal plays the pivotal role of a  good supportive husband.

Vinay, Kishore, Sashank: Vinay is Tanvi’s younger brother who tries to mollify the tension and apprehension between Aalok and Tanvi in their conjugal relationship.

Kishore stands for Tanvi’s father who is a drunkard, hot-tempered yet caring  in other cases.

Sashank is Tanvi’s emotional respite from her nostalgic recluse.

So, without giving it a second thought, just go for it. Place your order ASAP. Don’t be late because you might just miss out on your copy since the stock is running out very fast.

Book details :-

Author: Arjun Hemmady
Publisher: Leadstart Publishing Private Limited Publishing year: 2017
ISBN-13: 9789352013883 ISBN-10: 9352013883
Cover: Paperback Pages: 364 
MRP: 375 Buy From
"Time is like river. You cannot touch the same water twice." 'You Raise me up' will restore a precious space in my memory for its dialogue style of writing throughout the book. Author Arjun Hemmady tries to explore Shakespearean dialogue style of writing. Proper exposure of characters, sequence, climax and anti-climax bestows a wind of goodwill whose intangible existence can be perceived ubiquitously. Likewise contemporary Bollywood films amidst feminist society, the book finds no exception in the inquisitive sense of making a woman rekindles her empowering spirit of raising a man's maturity manifold. Here You resembles a girl named Priyanka…
This book has sequential plots with eventual happenings, good anticipation of characteristic exposure while leaving an age-old quote 'Time and tide wait for no man'.

My Verdict

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This book has sequential plots with eventual happenings, good anticipation of characteristic exposure while leaving an age-old quote 'Time and tide wait for no man'.

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Denizen of Dreamland

About Denizen of Dreamland

I am Denizen of Dreamland, born and brought up in cosmopolitan South kolkata. Since childhood I do prefer to make certain necessary and unnecessary changes in my day to day life as anything monotonous bores me a philosophy towards life is "Living it through moments without being too critical and skeptical towards it". I have an analytical and empathetic mind which helps me to understand and retrospect any situation or any individual in an unique way.


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