Book review: Sonnets of Shakespeare Explained


 In this book, Shakespeare’s all 154 sonnets are explained in very simple and understandable language even to a layman like me. The meaning is conveyed exactly as in original text without distorting its literary beauty. At the same time explanation has not taken the form of lengthy theory, rather it’s just a simplified form of sonnets only. Moreover, the nature of this book is such that it need not necessarily be read at one go; one can get refreshed & rejuvenated at any time by reading one or few sonnets & explanations.

The first thought that came to my mind after reading the explanation of sonnets given in this book was that this book can serve as tool for common people for enjoying the beauty & depth of Shakespeare’s timeless poetry, and can equally serve as an important reference book for those pursuing studies in English literature & Shakespeare’s works.

sonnet-of-shakespeareBefore I read the Sonnets & their explanation given in this book, I was having a definite opinion about William Shakespeare that he was an awakened poet & writer, and his works are the manifestation of his immense intelligence of very high order. But, generally was not much emotionally touched by poem/sonnet form of literature. After reading this book, I understood why Shakespeare is unmatched & ever relevant, and it made me genuinely interested in his works; previously, for me the Sonnet was merely a specific form & structure of poem, which is knowingly made difficult to understand by the poet through the use of seemingly ornamental words meanings of which one would not find anywhere.

I am a student of science, and have wondered quite often that how can somebody become bachelor in arts without creating poems, just the way someone cannot be engineer without creating project by applying laws and principles of physics and engineering that one has learnt. But, creating quality poetry is quite different than creating a good engineering project.

For an artist, it is important that literature is available in its pure literary form upon the foundation of which one can create something of his own, and equally helpful is a bridge through which that particular literary form can be understood. This book can serve as bridge for those who enjoy reading poetry in its pure literary form.

I hold very high regard for The Bhagwat Geeta published by Geeta press, Gorakhpur due to their ability to translate Shlokas (verses) without adding or subtracting any words in translation, and for carrying out exact translation along with its meaning-density. This book seems doing the same thing in connection with Shakespeare’s sonnets. After reading this book I am looking forward to enrich myself with Shakespeare’s other works too.

 Book Details:-

Author: Mohan Vaishnav
Publisher: Shambhabi – The Third Eye Imprint Publication Year: 2014
ISBN-13: 9781500669805 ISBN-10: 1500669806
No. Of Pages: 320 Cover: Paperback
325 Rs
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Hiren Zala

About Hiren Zala

He is Research Scholar at IIT Delhi currently pursuing Ph.D. and Associate Professor in Government Engineering College, Dahod. His interests are writing articles, reviews and blogs in the area of spiritual literature.


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