Tete-e-Tete With Ajay Shankar Kar, Author Of ‘Way Back In Love’

By profession an Ophthalmologist, Dr. Ajay Shankar Kar made a sparkling entry into the world of writing with his excellent debut novel “Way Back In Love”.  Spectralhues got in touch with the young promising author. In an exclusive interview with Susmita Bose Ajay Shankar Kar spoke about his book, his inspirations and life.

Q. Congratulations on the release of your debut novel ‘Way Back in Love ‘. What kind of responses you are receiving?

A. The response is really good and overwhelming. It has got a 4.5/5 rating in flipkart.com and is out of stock in almost all online stores due to good sale. I have thousands of followers in my group WAY BACK IN LOVE which I never anticipated. It really feels good to be known as an author than an ophthalmologist.

Q. What was the motivation behind this particular story?

A. I am not a writer, I am a story teller. This world is a race planet. Each and every one of us are running after success. I was one amongst them. In this long run I had lost many things from friends to relatives, from happiness to peace. It took me many years to realize that you are not successful when you lose  everything to achieve something. When I knew the limits of my abilities, I gave a break in the form of a book. I wanted my readers to look into themselves through my eyes and realize where do they stand now.

Q. The title is very interesting. How did you hit upon it?

A. It’s a nightmare to search and give the title of your novel. I had completed my novel and was searching for a title to send to the publisher. I was not sure what I had written when I finished it. It looked like an inspirational story, a youth story, a philosophical story, a love story, an  adventurous story or collection of short stories with a novel attitude. I gave it to my best friend to read the whole slot and recommend me a title as I had given up searching for one. At that point of time he was the first reader of my novel and I didn’t think much about my title as suggested by him ‘WAY BACK IN LOVE’.

Q. Are the incidents and narrations in ‘Way Back in Love’ real?

A. Most of the incidence are real whether it happened to me or inspired by someone else. Very few are fictional which I have written keeping in mind about the flow of the novel. The ending  is something different  which took me months to decide whether I should keep it that way or something else. But I am happy with the response I am getting from my readers  when they talk about the ending of my novel saying,’ It’s something different which we never expected.’

Q. How much of Ramanuj is Ajay Kar?!

A. I believe 100%. As a writer I didn’t find a suitable character who could fit into Ramanuj’s character better than me. The story reflects more of my inner thoughts revolving around other souls. Those who have known me can easily correlate Ramanuj with me. But I still doubt, whether I have imbibed Ramanuj in me or Ramanuj has imbibed my thoughts in him.

Q.  How much ‘Roushni ‘based on real person known to you?

A. Roushni is just a fictional character. She is intelligent, beautiful and integral. She represents a modern day girl who is flawless. She is every-man’s dream .

Q. What kind of support you are getting?

A. My family supports me in  my entire endeavor from being a cornea specialist to an author. They are the back bone of my growth and prosperity. My friends are my arteries with a pumping heart who keep grilling  me to write, as they want to read more and more. My readers  are my  nervous system support and stimulate my brain  by reading my book ,liking it, criticizing it and recommending it. I try my best not to have a nervous breakdown. Since all my systems are functioning well ,I am not in any ventilatory support.

 Q. Tell us briefly about your journey from being a doctor to an author.

A.I used to write short stories and poems in college magazine. My stories used to run in boys’ hostel and were a rage in girls’ hostel. My readers would always ask me about my next endeavor. It is  my best friend who believed in my writing more than me and asked me to write a novel. I wasn’t sure whether I will stand as an author, writer or a story teller but his confidence in me obliged me to finish my first novel. He is a voracious reader and still believes I am a better writer than many of the famous authors in the  present day world. Our friendship has gained strength to strength in last 16 years and his belief has made me an author. The adventures of Sherlock Holes won’t be complete without the appraisal of Dr John. H  Watson.

Dr. Ajay Shankar Kar

Q. Being a first time author how difficult it was to find a publisher?

A. It’s really difficult being a first time author. I got two rejections from the leading publications in India within a month and few had a long waiting period of more than 6 months. I had just  send my manuscript to three to four publishers in India when I came across Power Publishers, Kolkata. I didn’t have much time as fish out and wait for a miracle as I had to join my Cornea fellowship at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad. I believed, if my book connects to my readers, X,Y,Z publishing house doesn’t matter. It’s strange that hardly any of my readers ask about the Publisher. They are more interested in my novel. I believe,  people will definitely appreciate  your work if it’s genuine. You cannot cheat 120 crores population.

Q. How do you manage to find time for writing from your busy schedule?

A. I was expecting this question as most of my readers and friends ask me the same thing, ‘When do you get time to write?’I still don’t know the answer. It’s 24 hours for everyone. I write when I feel like writing. It’s the best relaxation in my exhaustive schedule.

 Q. Which are the books that have influenced you in life?

A. I love the works of Ayn Rand, Paulo Coelho, Khalil Gibran and R K Narayan. I still recommend young readers to read Fountain head by Ayn Rand and The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. These two books are just like the two banks of a river which never meet but holds it content the water(i.e. life) which only moves  forward (i.e your goal), through rocks (i.e hardship),forests (i.e happiness),tributaries (i.e friends and relatives) and end in sea (i.e heaven after death).

Q. What advice would you like to offer to wannabe authors?

A. I can better guide people who want to join medicine or pursue ophthalmology. I am a debutant  in this field. There are much better people who can guide them who want to become an author. I can only say don’t write for the sake of money and fame. Write what your heart speaks and your mind says .Don’t compare yourself with others since God has made you unique in some way or the other to accomplish  your duties. So just keep writing.

Q. Could you tell us something about your future plans?  Have you started planning for next book?

A. I really don’t have any future plans. I live for a day to its fullest. I want to open a charitable multispecialty eye hospital in Western Odisha which can serve the needy free of cost.

I write whenever I am free from my busy schedule. I am trying to write something which will catch hold of the nerves of all my readers and  who can relate themselves as the part of the story when they finish reading.

Q. Do you have any message for Spectralhues readers?

A. It’s my privilege to be interviewed by spectral hues team. I can only say, “It’s not worth living if you die for nothing.”So make utilization of this life to give your best to the world and make this world a better place to live. HAPPY READING ??

Thanks for your time, Ajay! We shall meet again. Wish you all the best!


Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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