Rendezvous with Rakhi Sunil Kumar

Rakhi Sunil Kumar is a young, talented author who made a brilliant entry into the world of writing with a soft, peppy and fresh romantic story ‘Dancing Mirrors’.

‘Accidental writer’ Rakhi is currently working as a Senior Manager in a leading IT company in India. She lives in Mumbai with her husband and son.

Spectralhues has got in touch with the author recently and in an illuminating conversation with Susmita Bose, Rakhi talks about her journey, her writing and her life.

Congratulations on the success of your debut novel ‘Dancing Mirrors’. Tell us how much your life changed after the release of your book.

Thanks dear! It’s my first book, and I am overwhelmed by the response. It’s really motivating when readers come and talk to me about the storyline or some specific scenes from the book. I had never thought that becoming an author would bring so much recognition to me. Really, I am enjoying my journey!

Was writing comes easy to you? How was your journey to become a writer?

Rakhi S KumarNever ever I thought of becoming an author. In fact, it was a big surprise to me to discover a story teller in me. It has made me realize that one should never conclude about oneself. There could be many hidden talents within you which may bring many pleasant surprises. So, keep exploring yourself!

My journey to this world started by writing simple short stories over internet.  The encouraging feedback from readers motivated me to write longer version. I wrote few fictions which were very much appreciated and ‘Dancing Mirrors’ was one of them. In fact, ‘Dancing Mirrors’ generated such an interest that my readers use to poke me frequently to put the updates sooner. This encouraged me to publish it for a larger audience as I felt it had a fresh and unique storyline.

Being a debutant author did you face any kind of difficulties with publishing the book?

Like all new authors, getting a good publisher was the biggest challenge I faced. I had a good script in hand which was very much appreciated on the internet, but I didn’t know much about publishing. After trying a few options, I got it published and was overwhelmed by the heart-warming response it received. Sooner, I got few offers from established publishers and subsequently finalized with Indialog Publications for the second edition.

What inspires you to write this particular story?

The character of ‘Raj’ was my inspiration to write this story. I had this character in my mind for quite some time; he was so vivid to me that I could feel him talking to me. I attempted few stories with him but then couldn’t bring to conclusion. It was thought provoking, how a girl from a sophisticated background could fall in love with a guy like him? Even if she does, will she accept him as a life partner or will look for something more? And then suddenly a thought creped in, suppose I give her a man who looks exactly like him and also has everything she wanted then what choice she will make? So, what makes us love someone? Is it physical being or is there something beyond that?

How much the story is taken from real life incidents? How much Naina is Rakhi?

The story is not at all from real life incidents, it’s purely fictional. My stories are typically like this, however some events depicted in the story might be picked up from real life incidents. Therefore, though the story is set up in imaginative scenario, you will connect to it, as the emotions explored are very much realistic.

‘Naina’ is like any other young girl of our internet age, a little bit indecisive and confused about her priorities. I liked her character very much and in fact, had put myself in her when I wrote it.

What is your take on increasing online dating in India? Why do you think people are rushed to online to find their love rather than look out in real world?

Social networking over internet is a platform for all of us to connect with each other easily, frequently and speedily due to which people are tempted to look for love/friendship in virtual world. However, I feel it has both pros and cons. Speed of information exchange over net may be good, but it does not give sufficient time to internalise and know each other in reality. Acquaintance in virtual world cannot give you true love unless it is tested and explored in real world. So, one should always be careful while believing anybody at face value over internet.         

Like your protagonist Naina who came all the way to India from London to find her love, there are many who gave away their heart to ‘virtual relationship’…what is your advice to them?

Dancing MirrorsWhatever way you fall in love, ensure that your love is real. The feeling should come from the core of your heart; it should be based on truth and mutual trust. Most of the time, on social online medias, we fake our persona. Same happens with ‘Naina’, her dream crashes when she meets him in real life. However, she continued her exploration of love with patience on ground realities and sooner she realized her true love and that was fascinating.  

Do you think social networking and new trend of socializing has actually changed the stereotyped attitude towards relationships in our modern society?

Surely, it has changed but I am not sure how long it will last. The chat what you have over a cup of coffee, can never be replaced by chatting on Social networking. I think, it should be restricted to networking only and one should invest in building relationships with more real time interactions.

Is there any work of literature especially any love story that you would like to rewrite? If so, why?

I am not of the opinion to rewrite any story my way. Each story is unique which reflects creativity, imagination and perspective of the author on the subject. We can deliberate particular characters, but rewriting will destroy the originality.    

Although writing is a ‘lonely process’, still how much support have you been receiving from your near ones?

Writing sometimes could be emotionally very much draining, and you need support from all your loved ones to carry on. I was a reluctant writer but my husband Sunil motivated me to carry on and get my work published. All my family members including my parents and in-laws appreciated and encouraged me in my writing and because of their blessings only; I am able to pursue my new found passion.

My friends and colleagues also supported me in this endeavour and I am really thankful to them.

What interests you other than writing?

Besides writing, I am also fond of oil painting but because of my busy work schedule, I don’t get enough time to pursue this hobby but whenever I get time, I try my hands with brush.

Have you started planning for your next book? What would be the subject?

My next script ‘dew and the Mist’ is almost ready, though I am yet to finalize a publisher for the same. It’s again another perspective on love, a very intense story, very different than ‘Dancing Mirrors’. Die-hard romance readers would surely like it.

Also, Hindi version of ‘Dancing Mirrors’ will be coming soon.

Career, Homemaking, Writing, Motherhood – what else do you want to explore in life? 🙂

I don’t know what life has in store for me; how the events in future will unfold and bring more surprises. Let us see! Next, could be script writing for movies.

Any message to the readers…

Wherever you are, whatever you do, don’t stop exploring your life further! You may find surprises. Live that!

And of course, please do read my book ‘Dancing Mirrors’ and if you like it then please make sure to recommend it to your friends. Thanks!

Thank you Rakhi for your time! We shall meet again!

That was Rakhi Sunil Kumar! In a candid conversation she expressed her delight that his debut novel has been received well by book lovers across India. Spectralhues wishes her glorious success and hopes she would come up with many more remarkable books.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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