Rendezvous with author Deepak Kripal

Recently I met author Deepak Kripal who has debut with critically acclaimed book ‘The Devils Gate: An Impossible Journey’. The first thing one would notice in Deepak is his witty sense of humour. Uttarakhand born young and talented Deepak is by profession a doctor and currently lives in New Delhi. A well-known name in the blogosphere, Deepak’s journey to become a published author is as interesting as the man himself. So let’s find out the real man behind the name Deepak Kripal…

5# Congratulations Deepak for an amazing portrayal of ‘The Devil’s Gate’…tell us what kind of feedback you have been receiving…
Well, the feedback has been overwhelming as of now, both by readers as well as critics. I, being a huge story lover, knew that readers will enjoy this tale, but the response of critics and reviewers has come as the biggest surprise to me. All this has motivated me to take risks in the future too, and hopefully, tell even more innovative stories.

# The current trend in India is to write stories based on life in a college campus as it is considered to be a safe subject to be debut with. Is there any special reason behind fantasy story instead and portrayal of animals as protagonists?
There are two things here. First, I didn’t want to tell a usual story as my debut work. Second, I didn’t select the genre (fantasy), I just selected a story. Genre was never my primary concern. A good story is just a good story to me. And in this case, I would say that the story selected me, as I decided it was time to write my debut book only after this idea happened to me and blew the brains out of my head!

# You have hinted a sequel to the book at the end. Have you started working on it? When we can expect next adventures of Katy and Dug?
I have some ideas for it. But it will happen only if sizeable number of readers call for it. I have counted your vote already!

# What message do you want to convey through your book?
Honestly speaking, I didn’t set out to write this story with the intention of dishing out a message. I just had an out of the box story with a soul. And gosh, did I want anything else!

# Tell us your experience with the Publishing industry? How would you rate Leadstart publishers?
Its tough work out there. With so many books out there, its difficult to get visibility, particularly for debut authors. About Leadstart, I can only say good things. They gave me platform for a story six other publishers couldn’t fit into their publishing program. What more a simple average Indian doctor can ask for!

# Will you become a specialized single genre author or you have a plan to explore writing in many genre? What about romantic novel?
I am already playing with some ideas of drama genre. Let us wait till the cat comes out of the hat! But you will always see me experimenting. Didn’t I do that in my first story?
Contrary to the popular belief, I think it is most difficult to write a truly romantic love story. I will write an out and out romantic story only when I have a story that leaves my soul dancing in madness!

# How easy or difficult is writing according to you?
Well, its complicated! Its easy when you are brimming with ideas. On other days, the same damn pen becomes much heavier to move!

4# On a serious note, I have a question regarding your medical profession. Recently the news is coming that France is inching closer to legalise euthanasia? What is your take on this subject? Do you think Indian doctors can go ahead with ‘mercy killing’?
See, there is no one line answer to this. Answer may vary from case to case, and from context to context. The most tricky thing is, who decides, and whose plea? When a life has to be taken, no questions are easy. Doctors are just one part of this larger question.

# Tell us your journey from being a doctor to a blogger to an author…
Oh, it has been just amazing. Touch black!

# Let’s have some rapid fire round for your fans –

Favourite Food:- Chicken
Dream Date:- Yet to happen
Travel Destination:- New Zealand
Poetry or novel:- Novel
Paulo Coelho or Amitav Ghosh:- Paulo Coelho
Books that close to your heart:- Doctors by Erich Segal
Doctor or writer:- Writer
Favourite pastime:- Sleeping
Your Idol:- Sachin Tendulkar
Style Statement:- Anything comfortable
Favourite Hobby:- Writing
Favourite sports:- Cricket
Car or Mobile:- Laptop
Dug or Katy:- Billy
Coffee-book-rainy day or long-drive with friends:- Friends, anytime!
To you Friendship is:- Everything!
You dislike most:- Showoff
You like most:- Humility
Favourite quote:- If you try to find fault in people, you will find them. And then, you will have no time to love them!

# Do you plan your life or believe in destiny?
I do both!

# Where do you want to see yourself after 5 years?

# Okay, so now give some tips to the budding authors or the writers who are desperately searching publishers to publish their work?
Just one thing, be patient. Hard work always pays off. Your time will come.

Thank you very much, Deepak for your time! That is an interesting conversation we have had. I hope to return to you sometime soon for another lively conversation if you can find the time. Have a nice day!

Incredibly busy Deepak Kripal is a humble, unpretentious, and humorous young author who is hopeful to receive due success for his debut book ‘The Devils Gate: An Impossible Journey’. Spectralhues is wishing him all the very best for his future endeavors and hopes he would come up with many more remarkable books.

(Interview taken by: Susmita Bose)

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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