Interaction with Vivek Kumar Agarwal, author of ‘Love, Me, and Bullshit’

Love Me And Bullshit

Love Me And Bullshit

An IIM, Ahmedabad graduate Vivek Kumar Agarwal has worked with top banking and consulting firms like Merrill Lynch and KPMG and is currently assosiated with FleetingKarma Media LLP. ‘Love, Me and Bullshit’ is his debut novel. Previously his novella, To catch a butterfly, published in 2010 and his short story collection To catch a smile got published in 2008. Along with writing Vivek has a keen interest in acting. He is an active member of a Delhi based theatre group ‘Dramatech’.

We at Spectralhues got in touch with the author. In a candid interview with Susmita Bose, he tells about his interests and journey from being a management student to an author.

Q. Congratulations on the release of your first novel “Love, Me and Bullshit”. Tell us briefly about the book…

Thanks. Book captures a period of three years. It begins six months prior to entry of the protagonist into IIM and ends six months post that. It would a bit clichéd but IIM has been used as a backdrop. Story is not about IIM though it has elements around it. It is about what the title suggests, longing for ‘Love’, search for ‘self’ or ‘me’ in a world which seems to be offering what looks like ‘Bullshit’ to you.

Q. The title is very interesting. How did you come upon it?

It came about with a bit of hit and trial and letting the publisher’s sense prevail over mine. When you get absorbed into creating something you get a bit too absorbed into it and can not clearly think of what does it represent in broader sense. The names that I initially had in mind, would have appealed only to me. On the behest of the pblisher I went through other book titles doing the round, thought of over fifteen options and bounced them with the publisher who told me what looks good. He was quite apt in his judgment.

Q. Are you tensed, as your first novel is about to come in the market?

I don’t know. But am not relaxed either. I can not afford to be tense nor can I be too relaxed. There are things to be done and that is what remains my focus. Real work really begins after you have completed the work. Writing is easy as it requires you to deal with yourself. It can be excruciating but is satisfying as well. But dealing with people as you begin to take over role of an author and marketer is a more demanding one. I hope people like it though I keep telling myself that I really don’t care if they don’t.

Q. Starting from Faizabad how was the journey? Tell us a little bit about your journey…

Journey appears to be a very sentimental word. It has been done in obvious steps. Education, software job, MBA and more paying jobs. Somewhere in between I began to write. Now I do get the feeling sometimes as if it was always meant to be no matter what way I would have taken. I try to not let myself drift down that line much.

Q. tell us something about your future plans? Have you already started planning for your next book?

As of now I am looking forward to the feedback of the book. When the encouraging factors emerge, plans spring up on their own.

Q. Tell us about the books & authors that have inspired you or which books would you like to recommend for book lovers?

It has a bit of irony in it but am not a voracious reader. Whatever reading I did was mostly done to improve my English to enable me to crack CAT. I do not think I am in a position to recommend books to others. One should read what appeals to them. Best of the books are like an intimate conversation. They carry you along.

Q. Coming to your book, what was the motivation behind this particular story?

I felt that it has elements which will make for a story good enough to be told. It has relatable characters, situations and conflicts. It has been delivered in a tone which shall catch on with the reader. In the end one can tell only what one has.

Q. What kind of support you are getting?

Srishti is a strong and efficient publisher. They ensure timely and smooth availability of the book, which I feel is the most important factor. My earlier two books lacked that kind of reach. For the rest, book sells on its ability to connect with the reader and give him or her something that they are looking for. One can only ensure that they know about the book and know where to go looking.

Q. From your busy schedule, how do you manage to find time for writing?

Most of my writing happens automatically while I am going through other activities of the day. I get down to write when I feel I have something ready in my head. And I have been working on my own for last couple of years. So schedule has really not been a problem. Finding good enough material and right words often it.

Q. In future would you like to look at writing as a full time profession?

Full time writing is an idea I do not fully understand still. But I can not visualize myself sitting on a table trying to fill pages. Writing is a charring experience to me. It is best borne out with spontaneity.

Q. What advice would you like to give to the aspiring authors?

I still feel clueless about writing. More so aspiring authors do not really need advice. Aspiration does the whole job on its own. They just learn to cope with it.

Q. Any message for readers who would buy your books.

Hope you like and enjoy it. I have given it my very best.

That was Vivek Kumar Agarwal in a candid chat before the release of his debut novel. The young author is very positive that his book will be loved and accepted by the book lovers of India. Spectralhues is wishing him all the very best for his debut novel as well as for his future endeavors.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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