Ankrish Khanna who recently turned sixteen took the courage of writing a book at the age of 13. His debut work ‘The Fork & Spoon of Life’ published under the banner of Mahaveer Publishers hit the market few months back. He is presently a student of Modern School, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. Apart from writing, he loves travelling and watching drama. He plans to go for film making in future.
In a chit chat with Harshita Srivastava, he reveals about how he landed up with writing a novel at such a young age and his future plans.
Congratulations for your book ‘The Fork & Spoon of Life’. How does it feel to get published at such a young age?
Honestly, the feeling’s a great one but I think this is just the beginning. Anyone can write a book. You just need some patience.
Tell us something about yourself, something that the world doesn’t know.
The world doesn’t know? Hmm..I’m a very big Deepika Padukone fan. Want to be a film-maker. Oh, wait. I think a lot of people already know this. I’ll rather let the world not know about certain things.
We have heard that you started the book when you were just 13. How difficult was it to write about characters at least 5-6 years older to you?
Not very difficult. I was always a very mature kid. Initially, a bit of trouble with writing and related stuff but as soon as things start shaping, you can imagine, think from that character’s point of view.
Was writing your aim since the beginning or it just happened by chance?
Completely by chance. I was never into training. I don’t even remember myself writing poems as a child or something like that.
I just happened to write, initially for time pass.
You were just 15 when the book got published, how tough was it for a school goer to get his book published?
Nothing’s tough. But then, the amount of time it takes to find a publisher just sucks the blood out of you.
But eventually, you become patient enough.
Also, managing school with writing sometimes can become an issue with parents if your grades are bad. But I think, I managed pretty well and so will people, just a little time management.
Devansh or Jai? Who is closer to Ankrish in reality?
Jai is closer. No reason for this, I just find him to be too interesting. He’s this one amazing guy.
If you were Jai, would you give Vrinda a chance in your life?
Yes, I would’ve given Vrinda a chance but then, only after I was over Mahi. Otherwise, It wouldn’t have been fair with her.
If you had to do it all over again, what changes would you like to bring in your book?
Editing, Add some people’s names in acknowledgements :P, Correct the errors, better the language, improve every aspect of it.
As a teenager, what are your views on love and friendship? Which of the two should be given priority?
Love and Friendship are fine, one great aspect of our life. But they shouldn’t be able to disturb our lives.
Family is what should evolve.
Priority is too… Tricky one.
Maybe Friendship. Maybe Love.
Okay, Love.
How has your experience been with your publisher?
Cool People, Has been fairly nice, luckily.
What are your future plans?
Learn Film Making. Nothing more for now.
Would you like to continue with writing?
Yeah, It’s a fun thing. Everyone should try. Relaxing, soothing at times. Writing is one art that just happens. And I am sure, it happens in everyone’s life some way or the other.
Is there any suggestion you would like to give to young authors?
Hmm… Maybe I am too young to give a suggestion to young authors. (Ha ha)
Thank you Ankrish, it was a pleasure talking to you. Wishing you All the best for future.
Tags: Ankrish Khanna Ankrish Khanna book Ankrish Khanna interview author interview spectralhues The Fork & Spoon of Life