Exclusive Interview With Rochak Bhatnagar, Author Of ‘Love Happens Only Once’

Rochak Bhatnagar, an IT student from Delhi, has started his writing career with a successful debut novel ‘Love Happens only Once’. Along with writing Rochak loves reading books, acting in plays and playing computer games.

Recently Spectralhues got in touch with this young promising author. Here are some excerpts from an interview Rochak Bhatnagar gave to Susmita Bose.

Congratulations Rochak on the success of your debut novel “Love Happens only Once”. What kind of response have you been receiving?

I do get a lot of mails from eager readers from across the country. It is always good to know what people think about your work. If they don’t have an opinion, then that means you are not being noticed. Fortunately though, most of the opinions and response on the book have been positive. Of course, tastes vary and not everybody likes the same thing. People have different likes and dislikes. Some may like it or some might think I have wasted my and their time

How much life changed after the success?

It is always exciting to see your name as an author on a book and your work being read by the world. Isn’t it? The happiness could be compared to that of a mother holding her new born baby! The release of the book has completely turned my life to 180 degrees. My friends treat me like a mini- celebrity. My email is filled with feedbacks, and facebook has become a bit crowded. Once in a while when someone recognizes me in a public place and comes up to me, it really gives a good feeling. But, as they say there are still miles to go.

What motivated you to write ” Love Happens only Once”?

Well I think two things have motivated me to write. Firstly, as a child I was an ardent reader and secondly my family. I wanted to tell my story in a way that not only entertained the readers but made them think too.  That’s what motivated me to write even more.

How much Rishi resembles Rochak?

Oh, now that’s a tough question! Basically, I would say that Rishi somewhat resembles me. I too believe in the existence of true love and for me too, my friends constitute my world.

Are the central characters based on real persons known to you?

In a way yes. Actually, I just wrote the characters and incidents that came to my mind randomly. I get my inspirations from everything around me, all the people around me, almost everything I see and observe. I apprehend everything around me and let my pen run loose.

Rochak Bhatnagar

According to this book ‘Love’ is not only simple ‘emotion’ but it is also a form of ‘devotion’. Do you think in this ‘jet set’ era, this kind of ‘true love’ exist?

Love is one of the most intriguing, mystical and vibrant emotions ever experienced by the human race. Nevertheless it is also the most complex emotion, yet to be fully understood or defined. Ask anyone what love is? And the most common answer you could come across is that, it is a feeling which cannot be completely defined! Strange but true, that an emotion which in the history of mankind has changed destinies and shaped the life of millions, would still be in a state to be fully understood or comprehended. True Love, even in this ‘jet set’ era is not difficult to find at all. In fact it is anywhere and everywhere. One should have the patience, perseverance and more importantly an eye to judge and make the right choice.

How was your experience with your publisher?

Apart from the efforts of an individual, the success of any book depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others.

My publisher has been great. He is experienced, cooperative and understanding.

Tell us about the books & authors that have inspired you...

 Dan Brown, Nicholas Sparks and Stephenie Meyer are some of the authors that have inspired me a lot.

Tell us something about yourself. How writing happens to you?

I was born in Delhi and did my schooling from Amity International School. Friendship and love are my weaknesses and these make me even stronger. A voracious reader, my interests include writing and painting. And As I have already mentioned above, since childhood I was an ardent reader. I always wanted to write something. I was writing the novel since the last one year, but I did not have any specific desire of getting into the writing business. When my friends were busy chatting and bunking lectures to watch a movie, you could see me penning my novel down.

Coming to your book, there was a striking similarities between the cover page of ‘Love Happens only Once’ and “Can Love Happen Twice”. Your take on this…

Well, we too noticed this similarity which was totally coincidental.  Though after reading, I assure you that that story plot of both the books are different, both teach you the meaning of love in different sense. And don’t judge a book by its cover, judge it by its content.

If you are given chance then what book, specially a love story, you want to re-write? And why?

I would like to re- write “The Notebook” by Nicolas Sparks. Though the story is more than perfect but, there are some incidents which need to be updated or changed.

And finally, when we will see another Rochak Bhatnagar book?

Yes. I am working on my second one. A sequel to ‘Love Happens only Once’.
Let’s hope for the best.

Any message to Spectralhues readers?

Journey of life started with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The goal is to fill the bag of experience before the bag of luck gets empty. Get down and start writing. And never try to write something that does not come from your heart. Don’t care about the future, live your present to the fullest.

Thanks for your time Rochak! Wish you all the best for your future projects.  

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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