Exclusive Interview With Best-selling Author ManeshPal ‘Mrinmay’

Pune based IT professional, ManeshPal ‘Mrinmay’ is a talented young author who explores the love stories in different angle. His debut novel ‘Kiss Goodbye To – Love, Remorse, And Realisation’ was well received by both the critics and the book lovers across India. His second novel “A mountain Girl” is also a doing well.

In a candid chat with Susmita Bose the bestselling author tells us his story. He is delighted about the grand success of his books. Spectralhues wishes Manesh Pal Mrinmay all the very best in his future endeavors.

Congratulations on the release and success of your second novel ‘A mountain Girl.’ What inspired you to write this particular story?

Thanks a lot. Here I would like to tell you that‘A Mountain Girl’ was my very first book, though it released nationwide after ‘Kiss Goodbye to…’ I wrote ‘A Mountain Girl’ during my college days only and it was published by a small local publisher at very small scale and in limited distribution scope. Later it was published by Readworthy Publication.  About the inspiration thing, I don’t know if anything really inspired me to write ‘A Mountain Girl’. I was always fascinated by stories; I am fond of reading and hearing stories. I had been writing poems and articles from my school days and when a story burgeoned in my head I put it down in black and white and within six months my first book took its shape. But yes, there were many people and incidents which helped me, motivated me, and supported me in my endeavors.

Are the protagonists – Naumi and Haitu – based on real persons known to you?

No,all the characters of ‘A Mountain Girl’ are fictitious. But in this life we cross road with many people, when we get close to some of them, we get to know about their strengths and weaknesses, we get to know about human nature, about gifts bestowed upon us by mother-nature. So my experiences ofthe real world somewhere definitely affect characters of my fictitious world.   

What is love according to you?

I tried so hard to define love but I couldn’t. It was beyond my capability. One cannot understand or explain love through mere words, the only way to understand love is, to love.     

What social message you want to convey thorough your books?

Have courage to follow your heart and accept yourself.

Did you have a target readership in mind while framing the story?

I never targeted a specific readership while framing any story. I believe books find their readership by their own, so I don’t bother about that.  

In your debut novel ‘Kiss Goodbye To…” you have chosen a very different kind of love story with grey shade. Did you expect the readers to accept it?

‘I don’t want you to believe me but believe yourself.’ I had written this line in my book ‘Kiss Goodbye to…’ I think this is an answer to your question too. I revealed nothing new about love in my book which was tough to believe. That book simply tells – follow your heart and you will get answers to all your questions.

Did your life change after success of your books?

Yes to an extent. Suddenly people start thinking – since I write love stories, I know things about love what others don’t know. 🙂

Of course life changed, people started recognizing me as a writer.  

Tell us something about your journey from being IT professional to a successful author

IT and writing both happened in my life unexpected and unplanned,though I always liked reading and writing. I wrote first my poem when I was in 6th standard, and first short story in 11th standard, but I never thought of becoming a writer. As a subject, Physics always intrigued me, but my career aspiration kept swinging. Sometimes I wanted to be a Pilot, sometimes a Physicist and sometimes an IAS officer, but eventually I became an IT professional and a writer. In the journey so far, I enjoyed the privilege of company of some amazing people, had a chance tostay in some of the most beautiful places, and tasted the ups and downs, sweet and sour experiences of life. In totality it was an interesting journey.   

Do you find writing easy or difficult?

Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes difficult, that varies from day to day, and situation to situation. Sometimes I sit for whole day but can’t frame a single sentence, and sometimes it comes in a smooth and easy fashion.

How do you rate your experience with your publisher?

My experience with my publishers was good, no grievances.  

Who are all the persons who you think have motivated you directly or indirectly to pursue writing?

My parents, siblings, and all my friends especially my college gang of five wonderful persons who will always be a part of my every story. Paulo Coelho, Sergio F. Bambaren, and Ayn Rand, who wrote about dreams and self-belief, their work hasalways been a source of inspiration, and of course my readers who kept me motivated to write, their feedback and reviews strengthened me to go on.  

Besides writing what other things interest you?

Music, painting, reading, travelling, and sitting in a coffee shop to have hot-coffee 🙂

Tell us something about your future plans?

I am presently working on my next book, title is ‘Jalebiwala’. Book is now completed, but I haven’t yet approached any publisher. I have loads of expectation with this book. Hope my readers will like it. Few other stories are also there in my mind, but I haven’t yet started working on them.   

Any message to the readers of Spectralhues?

Every time we read a story we ask ourselves- is this possible in real life? Every time we think ofsomething good, we question- is this practical? And we always end up – no not possible, or not practical. I say, have courage to forward a step and you will find the definition of possibility and practicality changed at once.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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