Exclusive Interview with Devikumar Ramalingam

IT professional DeviKumar Ramalingam’s sci-fi thriller ‘Celestial Hunt’ is story of hope, motivation, suspense and scientific imagination with a blend of core philosophy of life. The book is fresh with ideas, deliveries and strong message. Let’s catch the author from his busy schedule and discuss more on the book and his personal life.

Congratulations Devikumar for your outstanding book ‘Celestial Hunt’! Do tell us what kind of feedbacks have you been receiving?

Celestial HuntThank you. The feedback and reviews have been positive. The storyline and the core theme have delighted the readers. The general pain area noted by most of the readers is the abrupt jump in sequences. A very few have been very critical on the language and the writing style. Taking those reviews positively without any excuse quoting the debut attempt, I can hopefully say that an honest attempt will be made to improve. I would also like to mention that the main purpose of this novel is to induce positivity and humanity than literary excellence.

What inspires you to write this particular story?

Everyone is born with a divine uniqueness and greatness. But people addicted to money, power and religion suppress the common people for achieving their awful goals. The poor common masses continue to struggle in their battle for life and death whereas the “rich” souls at the other extreme continue enjoying at the expense of the sufferings of the poor souls. The sky is only the limit for corruption and it has started settling down in our genes. A renowned poet in Tamil – Pattukotai Kalyana Sundaram said through one of the famous film song – “Until the thieves amend/reform themselves, theft cannot be abolished”. The motto of the novel is not to induce a dramatic change altogether, but I will consider a small impact on one’s own conscience as its biggest success.

What is the story behind this interesting title?

We all hope, pray and wait for the One Divine Human to take birth and demolish the demons in the world and turn this world full of nemesis into a garden of bliss. The Celestial Hunt – The search for that divine spirit – The Messenger from God.

Tell us about Sangford’s Providential Psyches, how did you come up with this concept?

Ancient predictions, foretellings always make us feel excited and curious. Among millions and millions of humans from the start of the world, only a few legends have made an indelible impact on humanity. The world still remembers Einstein, Newton and other greats. The world was never the same before and after them. What was common among them? What made them rise above the crowd and touch the glory of success? What was different from these souls to the others? Are they immortal? Were their life controlled by a divine force to drive humanity? Oh…Yeah. There are more mysteries breaking out in The Celestial Hunt – 2 (Genesis of Homo-sapiens)

How much Jaidev is Devikumar? Did you portray the characters based on real persons known to you?

I wish to be like Jaidev – Common man striving to restore compassion and Devikumarkindness. Definitely some other characters are all based on real persons whom many of us know.

Do you personally believe the concept of ‘Nothing Controlling Everything’? How much Celestial Hunt influences your own personal view of life?

I do strongly believe that concept. I see God in the strenuous efforts, passion to succeed and disciplined life. Only passion makes people transform into legends. The Celestial Hunt has bettered my secular outlook on society and strengthened perseverance in me.

You have brought back the concept of ‘time machine’ in the book. Are you fascinated with the idea of returning back and if possible, change the history of mankind?

Yes. Of course. I hope everyone will be pumped up to travel back. Most of us keep regretting about the past for one reason or the other. Some might want to patch up their broken love; might want to see their lost dear ones; might want to fulfill their given up ambitions; would like to stop those events that altered the course of history and Some would desire to rewrite history and they will.

As a debutant author what kind of difficulty did you face while publishing your book?

 I completed writing the initial version by August 2008. It was very difficult to get this published and finally did that with the help of “Kaveri Pathipakkam” by March 2010. Reaching out to book sellers is the most painful job for any debutant. Any major seller asked me to come through a dealer and I did struggle a lot and finally Flipkart supported. The E-Publishing of the second version of my novel would not have been possible without the support of Mathuranathan, Bookode.

How supportive have your near ones been as you pursued writing?

Tremendous support from my parents. There had been constant support and motivation from my friends especially Michael, Sreeranjani and Prakash. They used to review and provide suggestions, inspite of their hectic schedule.

Do tell us briefly about your journey from being an IT professional to an author…

Inspired by “Frozen Thoughts” magazine, I had started writing short stories before I joined IT industry. It has been my ambition to write and convey powerful messages to reform the society. Hope this journey has just started with “The Celestial Hunt”

How do you manage to find time for writing from your busy schedule?

celestial hunt 2Yeah. I used to write from 12 AM to 3 AM every day. I have to start spending more time on writing.

You have hinted a sequel at the end of the book. Have you started working on it? What more we can expect in the next segment of Celestial Hunt?

Yeah. I have completed around 20%.

What social message do you want to pass on to the readers through Celestial Hunt?

One who is addicted to power is far away from life. One who is addicted to violence is far away from human kind. One who is addicted to religion is far away from God

Thanks for your time, Devikumar! We shall meet again. Wish you all the best for your future endeavours.

 Book Details of Celestial Hunt:-

Author: Devikumar Ramalingam
Publisher: Devikumar Ramalingam Year of Publication: 2014
File Size: 575 KB ASIN: B00ID4UE7Y
Cover: eBook (Kindle Edition) No. Of Pages: 86
MRP: Rs. 139 Buy From: Smashwords

(Interview taken by Susmita Bose)

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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