Author Interview with Ajay Majumdar

Dynamic, Visionary, Determined, Sensitive & Modest – Ajay Majumdar, a Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from the Regional Engineering College (now NIT), Durgapur and a Post Graduate from National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, has worked in four very renowned and respected organizations for 26 years of his career. Ajay has accumulated rich experience from various organizations in automobile, engineering, retail and media House and has come a long way to realize his dream; a dream to become a successful and published writer. His debut book, “Jibanpurer Pathik” is now available at bookstores and online stores in India.

Recently Spectralhues got in touch with this author who has been contemplating the subject of his next venture.

Here’s the excerpt from the interview:-

  • Congratulations Mr. Ajay Majumdar for your debut publication Jibanpurer Pathik‘… Tell our reader more about the book and thought behind the title…

Work experience of engineers, technologists working in the factories are generally unknown to us. Their knowledge and experience are erased permanently, and common people hardly get an opportunity for knowledge transfer.

I have narrated my work life experience and learning in my first book “Jibanpurer Pathik”. I have rich industrial experience and its range also is wide. Having worked in four renowned and profitable organizations, I gained experience in the organization’s products, production methods, distribution channels, management systems and work culture. I have tabulated a comparative analysis of various leadership elements and organisational culture which may be a good reckoner for the young professionals.

 I have also described my personal and family life and paid respect to my relatives and friends. I have tried to portray the pros and cons of a joint family system, their values and dynamic relationship with the members of the family. From the characters which touched my life, I have written a few   short stories. I have taken great courage to write poems giving tribute to my friends and relatives as well as touched on contemporary topics and travel stories. The book is not an autobiography but my self-reflection.

  • What kind of initial feedback you have been receiving…

I have been receiving good feedback from several of my readers. They have appreciated my candid analysis and description of my narrative like a picture, in spite of my limitation on language. Professionals who have read my book appreciated my writing and have mentioned that this book may be helpful for young generation as a guide for their career choice to become successful in life.

  • Being a debutant author did you face any kind of difficulties with publishing the book?

Publishing the first book was a challenge for any author. First the inertia of compiling the manuscript and then to look for a publisher. After a thorough search, I located The Write Order as the publisher of my book.

  • Please tell us your experience with the Publishing industry? How would you rate your publisher?

Publishing industries are rightfully very choosy about selecting an author. Even though I was a maiden writer, The Write Order encouraged me to publish the book. The publisher is professional and gave me good advice though there was problem in maintaining timeline.

  • What kind of support you are getting?

They gave me support in editing manuscript, design of book cover, quality printing and binding, getting ISBN and commercial details. Now they will give support in digital marketing.

  • When did you decide to become a writer? What are your ambitions for your writing career?

After my retirement, I had discretionary time and tried to write short articles and poems receiving motivation from my wife and children. Particularly during COVID, I became more lonely and had large disposal time to do some more writings.

  • How easy or difficult is writing according to you? What is the hardest thing about writing?

Being an engineer and technocrat, writing is always a difficult proposition. I never thought I had the skill in writing that too on vernacular language, as my Bengali language skill is poor, at least that was reflected in my higher secondary marks.  However, I thought of writing the book in Bengali, as my life story and style will be appreciated more by Bengali speaking audience. The hardest step is to sit back, reflect and overcome initial resistance of writing,

  • How emotionally invested were you while writing the book?

Since it is on my personal and work life it was a hard choice between what to write and what not to write. I have taken a candid stand to describe my feelings – positive or negative .My intention was not to hurt anybody in order to appear to be pleasant.  I did not want to dilute my perception on any character or incident as these experiences are the source of my learning. I want to make this book as a balance sheet of my life.

  •  Which other books and authors do you like? Is there any single book which has particularly influenced you?
  1. A Promised Land ……   Barack Obama
  2. A Rude life ………    Vir Sanghvi
  3. I do what I do on Reform, Rhetoric and Resolve …..  Raghuram G Rajan
  4. Indomitable: A Working Woman’s Notes on Work, Life and Leadership …… Arundhati Bhattacharya

The book written by Arundhati Bhattacharya was very inspirational.

  • Tell us bit about your future plan? Have you already started penning down second novel?

I have a plan to write mainly on my work life in English. Already started on preliminary work.

  • Any message to our readers…

I hope that readers while reading the book will be able to picturise the situation and in some places be able to identify with the writing. If my life experience can be a source of reader’s thinking and analysis to chart their own development path … that will be my recognition.

Thank you very much, Ajay Majumdar! That is an interesting conversation we have had. I hope to return to you sometime soon for a lively conversation if you can find the time. There is really so much to discuss with you! Have a nice day!


Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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