Though Banana is healthy, but its peel is Miracle!

DIY: Banana peels to your skin

Using banana peel is like finding gold out in a dump. Normally, people just dump banana peels without knowing its actual value. But now it’s time to know its real value. Likewise banana flash it’s peel also have nutritional value. Banana peels contain lutein, an antioxidant and carotenoid vitamin related to vitamin A. It has benefits of antioxidant. Banana peel decreases inflammation and clinically proven as helpful for acne.


Banana peel is beneficial in whitening your teeth, skin brighter, wrinkle reducer, acne treatment and the list can go on.
-Treatment of acne with the use of banana peel:

1. Clean your face: Before using banana peel makes sure your face is clean from dirt and oils. Use mild cleanser to clean the affected regions of your face and then rinse with cool water. Pat the skin with soft and clean cloth.

2. Take a banana: Pick the banana which is ripe and should be yellow and with black spots. Avoid the banana with is under-ripe or over ripe.

3. Use of banana peel: Remove the peel from the banana and cut the peel for better application. Use the inner part of banana peel that seems to be white. Gently rub and massage the banana peel over your face for ten minutes. After the banana peel turns black, replace it with another piece and continue massaging your skin.


4. Removing banana peel from your face: don’t immediately wash your face just after massaging. Wait for some hours that help to absorb nutrients of banana peel by your skin. If you can’t wait so long you can use it before going to bed and clean your face next morning.

Continue this method: this method involve just rubbing the banana peel on your face. So, you can do it in several days in a row.
If banana peel creates extremely irritation while rubbing give a break to your skin from massage.

If acne continues must concern a dermatologist for stopping it.

Be ready to flaunt your clean and beautiful skin!

Kanishka Vijay

About Kanishka Vijay

Hi to all! I am the youngest on the board. I Love to see beauty in every thing. For me beauty is all about being confident and rejuvenating self with each day. That thought brought the idea to write blogs. Here, I'll share the DIY tips in the easiest way possible, especially the ones I experiment on myself! 🙂


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