Quarantine’s Outcomes- We all didn’t see this coming

Life is becoming quite miserable, right? The world just stopped functioning and it’s gonna take a while to restart. Apart from this serious environment, there are some unpredicted changes in our life. I guess no can express their denial for this. Some of our daily routines just flipped.

Well! Come let’s relate ourselves

Mornings no more exist:

Are you stuck in a situation where you have to reply all your ‘good morning messages’ with ‘good afternoon’? Quarantine is strongly showing impact on our sleep schedules. We have to agree that we are sleeping in the witching hour and waking up to the hot noon sun. Starting our day with lunch is uncanny but we are doing that.

Stressed for not being stressed at work:

I am bored. I am bored…..I am bored. We never thought being jobless would be a tough task but if we see now, spending 24 hours is rocket science. All of us are sick of resting. Going for work everyday was a nightmare, now we are craving for some work. Our phone is stressed right now, with its battery dying three times a day.

Food delivery apps are sad:

‘Your food is being prepared’ we all miss seeing this notification, right? These food delivery apps are saviours, especially for the girls and boys who live alone. Lol, Have to say that they are going through hardship. Home food is healthy though! Because of this so many chef’s are showing up on social media.

Travelling is a sin:

Are you the lazy one in your gang? I guess you’ve been scolded many times for not bumping into the event planned by your friends. The reason is you are lazy to get up from your couch. So, these days are for you, you are requested not to come out and have events planned.

We all didn’t see this coming!!

Lavanya Appana

About Lavanya Appana

I seek pleasure from my sufferings and take delight in facing the music as that is how I learn to stand erect. Writing helps, when I feel blue. Forsooth, it lands me in seventh heaven. Introspect yourself, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


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