Quarantine is good in some ways

Even though we are in a pause there is something nice coming out of this. Quarantine has permitted people to their homes and no one will dare to cross the limit because they know the consequences. We are staying home, eating home, celebrating home, etc. This lockdown is pretty advantageous in many ways if we avoid looking at the darker side of it.

Let’s see what quarantine did to us:-

Strengthening relations:

Caught up in this modern storm, we almost forgot some relations and the emotions in them. I highly agree with this. Some kids don’t even know their closest relatives, because there is no building up of the relations happening. Due to this quarantine, everyone took a break from this bustling world. They are all at home doing every single thing together, getting to know more about family, speaking with cousins, etc.

Eating home food:

Eating at home for a week without a break? Ever done this? We cannot, food delivery is at hand, we tend to use it frequently. It is hard to resist, after a long day, everyone loves to treat themselves with a nice plate and without any efforts from their side. So, food delivery is the only option that fits. The scenario has changed now, we are preparing at home and eating at home. Home food is healthy food for sure. How cool is that? Thanks to quarantine.

Less sight of pollution:

A busy world would definitely call for a lot of vehicles goofing around. Silent road and the hustling world cannot go hand in hand. There used to be a huge number of vehicles making louder noises and releasing a great amount of smoke. It is all nice and calm now. No one is showing up on the road and hence the pollution rate goes down.

This is how quarantine helped us emotionally, physically, and globally. It is not a good idea to hate this quarantine all the time, it is lending a hand in the way it can.

(Image Source: Google)

Lavanya Appana

About Lavanya Appana

I seek pleasure from my sufferings and take delight in facing the music as that is how I learn to stand erect. Writing helps, when I feel blue. Forsooth, it lands me in seventh heaven. Introspect yourself, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


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