Did you know Egg can also add glow to your face! DIY: Facial Skin Mask With Egg White

Egg white is very beneficial for the skin as it smoothens wrinkles, reduces pore size, balances oil on the skin, vanish black and white heads, tightens skin and heal scars.

Besides, it contains an ingredient known as lysozyme, which is an enzyme that kills acne-causing bacteria by digesting their cell walls.

An egg contains perfect amounts of 69 different proteins and albumin that the skin always wants.

Egg whites are high in collagen and vitamin A. It also contains potassium that hydrates and moisturizes the skin.

This acne-fighting mask is inexpensive and the ingredients are the powerhouse of every kitchen.


? One egg’s white

? One teaspoon of lemon juice

? Half teaspoon of honey

Let’s prepare:

Step 1: Crack an egg in a bowl and transfer the yolk from shell to shell. Each time you transfer the yolk, a little bit of the egg white should flow into the bowl.

Keep doing this until all of the egg white is in the bowl and remove the egg yolk.

Step 2: Add 2 teaspoon of lemon juice in the mixture and stir it with fork. Rapidly whisk the two ingredients until the mixture becomes foamy.

Step 3: Now, add half teaspoon of honey and stir the mixture well.

Step 4: Prepare your face for the mask by cleaning it up with warm water.

Step 5: Apply the mask on the face with the use of fingers, cotton ball or cloth. Avoid the area around the nose, eyes and mouth.

?As the mixture is messy draping a cloth over your chest and shoulders would be beneficial.

Step 6: Leave the mask for at least 10-15 minutes.

Step 7: Wash this mask with lukewarm water and splash it on your face. Use a soft and clean towel to pat your face dry. Apply moisturizer on your face.

Use this mask twice a week to get better results.

Kanishka Vijay

About Kanishka Vijay

Hi to all! I am the youngest on the board. I Love to see beauty in every thing. For me beauty is all about being confident and rejuvenating self with each day. That thought brought the idea to write blogs. Here, I'll share the DIY tips in the easiest way possible, especially the ones I experiment on myself! 🙂


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