How Does Alcohol Damage Our Body?


We read this sentence very often and yet we forget to understand the meaning of it. Every person is taught in their house not to touch alcohol, but are not informed about the reasons for such prohibition. Before becoming an addict, we should always know its repercussions. Alcohol consumption clearly affects our body parts and causes mental, physical and emotional problems. Consumption of alcohol causes unnecessary problems within a family and makes a person unworthy of living.

Mostly, alcohol affects our body parts like the CNS, excretory system, etc. Let’s take a look at them.

CNS:- The CNS or Central Nervous System is highly affected by alcohol. It directly affects the cerebrum and the person loses control over the body. It completely changes the behaviour of a person and the way he speaks. It disturbs the body balance and the person is unable to walk. Over drinking negatively affects the ability to think clearly, impulse control and the ability to form memories. Long term drinking shrinks the frontal lobes of the brain. Damage to the nervous system because of alcohol may cause pain, abnormal sensations in the limbs, and numbness.

EXCRETORY SYSTEM:- Excessive alcohol consumption can cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances which hinders with the functions of them. Thus creates pancreatitis or the inflammation of the pancreas, in the worst case. Excessive intake of alcohol may cause alcoholic hepatitis and lead to jaundice development. Chronic liver inflammation may cause severe scarring or cirrhosis.

AFFECTS EVERY ORGAN:- Alcohol consumption can spoil your salivary glands as well, causing irritation all over the mouth. Hence gives rise to unwanted diseases like tooth decay or gum disease. Ulcers in the oesophagus or food pipe, acid reflux, and heartburn are other impacts. Excessive drinking may also lead to stomach ulcers and inflammation of the stomach lining.

There is no harm in drinking alcohol if you are under control or else try to leave it as soon as possible. Alcohol consumption not only spoils your health but will also ruin your family’s life.

Beware of your own destruction.

(Image Source: Google)

Arunima Purohit

About Arunima Purohit

I am an introvert by nature. I love cricket and aspire to become a sports journalist. I love an adventurous life and am a travel freak as well.


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