Five Fantastic Girls in Every Gang

A girl squad will have hell lot of information always with them, and that stays with them. There’s nothing in the world they won’t discuss about, everything in the world needs their attention. Some guys crave to know their conversations. This happens because there will be distinct trait existing in every girl which adds spice and elation to the squad.


1. The Foodie:

“Let’s go party, I’ve checked out this new restaurant its killing”, “hey, what did you get for lunch today?”, “I feel terrible today. I have eat something nice to set this right”. For this girl partying is just eating something perfect, her day starts with checking out all her friends’ lunch, and food is the only thing that cheers her up. She is totally involved in food and I’m sure you have a foodie in your gang.

2. The Fashionista:

Let it be a college fest or a family gathering all the others in the group will keep her busy. “Do you think these wedges will go with the dress?”, “You know me very well and what suits me, why don’t you go and shop alone?” blah blah blah….basically she becomes the personal fashion designer to everyone in the group.

3. The Organizer:

This girl rescues you from your mess and will help you in getting things done by providing a flawless schedule. When you are clumsy you go to her, when you have so many tasks to accomplish in very less time you go to her, when you want to go on a holiday you go to her, etc. She definitely scolds you first for being reckless and anyway brings you out later because its ‘friendship’.

4. The Privileged:

We will all this rich and famous kid in our gang. This one knows everyone and known by everyone in the campus. This one is rich too and will cover things up if you are broke. You can relax if you have this privileged kid in your squad. You can have your assignments finished by someone, you will have special delivery from cafeteria to your class, you will a photographer for your group clicks, etc. So to sum up, you are privileged if you have this privileged kid.

5. The ‘Chill bro’:

“We are late to the class”, “tomorrow is the deadline”, “Oh my God, what if your mom gets to know?” her answer for every question will be “CHILL BROOO!!!” Well! The organizer and this one will not get along very well though. This one is not scared of anything and no outburst or tantrum can sway her. Talk with this one for some time, she will erase all your tensions.

Lavanya Appana

About Lavanya Appana

I seek pleasure from my sufferings and take delight in facing the music as that is how I learn to stand erect. Writing helps, when I feel blue. Forsooth, it lands me in seventh heaven. Introspect yourself, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


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