Deck up your home for New Year celebration

It’s that time of the year again when we bid goodbye to the present year and ring in the new one with fun, festivities and parties. New year celebrations bring out the best in us, all dressed up and ready to rock. But not just ourselves, our houses too need a makeover for the new year eve. Whether you are hosting a party at your place or not, make sure your home exudes the new year glow.

  • Declutter –Going into a new year, the first change you need to make in your house is to de clutter it to claim some extra space and give it a clean and tidy look. Clutter makes your house look dated and dirty; so throw out the old and excess things and make place for all the new ones.
  • Living room –It is the holiday season and that means we always have guests coming over. So our living room needs to look clean, spacious and welcoming. Clean out any extra furniture that is not adding value to the room and place a floor mattress to add more seating space. Throw in some colorful floor cushions that are both comfy and cool. If you are throwing a party, settle on a color scheme like silver and red or black and gold and choose your décor accordingly. Balloons or chic, blingy streamers give the room a festive look. You can also dim the lights and decorate the room with Chinese lights stuffed into old wine bottles or just draped around artificial potted plants. Set up a music system and speakers at a corner and get the party going.

  • Balcony –At a party, guests often wander out into the balcony, be it for a smoke or a quiet chat, so that area of the house needs to be decked up as well. Make it pretty with paper lanterns or serial lights.Place a couple of artsy little stools or poufs and a small table at one side for your guests to put down their drinks and nibbles.
  • Dining table –The focal attraction point of any party is of course food and drinks and hence, all eyes are on the table. Start with spreading a kitschy table cloth or if you have a color theme, match it accordingly. Now is the time to get that beautiful tableware out of the closet. Place wine bottles or a champagne bucket as the centerpiece. If you have dimmed the lights, add some candles for that extra charm and aura.

This new year add some bling to your house and to your party with these creative ideas. Bid farewell to 2016 and bring in the new year in style.

Mekhla Gan

About Mekhla Gan

"The whole world opened to me when I learned to read" and I have been hooked to it ever since. Suspending my own life, cocooning in someone else's imagination and in the process, living a thousand lives is for me the most exhilarating way of experiencing life. Books are what I turn to in my happy and not so happy times for it is in them that I find the words for what I have known all along..


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