Boring quarantine? – Be Productive!

You are so bored that removing dirt from your nails seems damn interesting? Then it’s is something to be looked up on. This joblessness might lead to deep insanity, madness, and also stress sometimes. Have you ever removed things from your to-do list due to busy schedules? Yes, everyone does that. All of us will have something to do which either arises from passion or compulsion so, recall all those. Instead of lazing around with potential be productive.

  • Learn a course or do an internship:

We are free from so many days and also will be free for coming two months, utilize this free time in a wonderful way by learning something. An online internship will give you nice experience and also a certificate added to your resume. This can be your subject related or also something you love.

  • Learn to cook:

Cooking is never a bad idea. Trust me, you will love it when you cook yourself and have it.It definitely leaves you with a great amount of satisfaction. There are thousands of recipes and YouTube and nothing can beat mother. She will be the happiest if you ask her to teach cooking.

  • Workout everyday:

So many escape working out stating valid reasons. Preoccupied schedules are the major cause, but you don’t have that on your head right now. We are free from turmoil and you will never get this time back. Wake up early run into your balcony or terrace, play your favourite music and start working out. Do it for 30 minutes, it will serve as a fresh and healthy start of your day.

  • Clean your house:

You can say your house is already clean, but if I ask you to get something which is two years old it will take a hell lot of time. Cleaning doesn’t mean removing dirt all the time, but organizing your wardrobe, bookshelves, etc., would be good.

These are some common and easy things to do if you are unbound.

Lavanya Appana

About Lavanya Appana

I seek pleasure from my sufferings and take delight in facing the music as that is how I learn to stand erect. Writing helps, when I feel blue. Forsooth, it lands me in seventh heaven. Introspect yourself, knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


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