Eat Well to Stay Well

Suppose you’re out on a date. Your stomach is full with the scrumptious three-course fare in front of you, yet you don’t want to displease your date and eventually make room for dessert. It was a pleasant evening but on the way back, you wonder about the calories you have gained. You are stressed because of that, and this makes you want to check your kilos, even after drinking water. You’re paranoid, you start watching a chick-flic in the wake of garnering some ‘me’ time when suddenly, you begin binge-eating or emotional eating. You curse your metabolism, and you curse yourself but you cannot help it.

How many times have you faced a similar situation? Probably a couple times. It is relatable. Almost everyone goes through this at some point or the other. That doesn’t mean you’ve to be worried. You’ve a beautiful body and a mind that’ll do wonders. All you’ve to do is channelize your energies!

While it is your life, we don’t want you to end up criticizing or doubting your own self. Hence, we bring to you a few essentials that we think might be of some use in maintaining your health.

-Do not skip breakfast.

Ironic since it’s coming for me, but breakfast is essentially the most important meal of the day. You can have green/herbal tea if you’re on your toes or are rushing for work, along with toast and butter, or cheese or jam. Boiled eggs can be a great way to burn down the adipose in your body. While cornflakes seem to be great, they’re enriched with sugary content that might result in weigh-gain rather than loss. You can also munch on an apple, or a banana, or a handful nuts along with sipping tea or coffee. In case you do not like any of these, have a glass of mill.

-While lunch can be subjective, ensure that you do not end up eating a lot. To control your appetite, it is recommended using smaller plates, whenever possible. Eat all you like- veggies, meat, accompaniments.

-Skipping meals doesn’t help. In fact, nutritionists recommend to break down your meals from say, three times a day to five or six. Reduce your intake and increase the frequency so that you do not feel hungry, and the gas or fat doesn’t get deposited as a result. -Ensure that you take in a lot of foods which are rich in fibres- Fruits or salads. They can make up a light-hearted snack. Opt for fresh fruits instead of juices or other health drinks. Try and inculcate the habit of making salads on your own, at your own pace, since a readymade one might add in a lot of unnecessary stuff like sauces, salt and things that could make you cry.

-Try avoiding tinned foods or processed foods like chips. The salt content makes your body more prone to gaining weight.

-It is advised to have a light dinner. You can have rice or chapati, depends on your preferences. Again, we’re nobody to point out but what your intake.

-Exercise. You don’t have to go around walking half a day. But whatever you do, ensure it does add some substantial input to your regime. Do not over strain. Drink a lot of water, as it helps you flush out the bad components.

 -Go for a walk in the evenings, or a jog in the mornings. If it is feasible, you could walk it off to your college or workplace or to the market, and save on that money for later.

-Also, once in a while, it is important to treat yourself. Indulgence at times is perhaps the greatest gift you could give yourself. A small bar of chocolate or a popsicle might uplift your mood. Listen to music. Read books or newspapers. Get a Netflix or Prime subscription. At least try them out for free, the first month. Talk to people. Listen to people.

It may be difficult at first, but nothing is impossible. It is not the end of the world. Stop stressing since it might be a reason of weight gain. Sleep on time. Most importantly, watch what you eat and relax!

Alpona Dutta

About Alpona Dutta

'You'll learn as you get older, that rules are meant to be broken. Live life on your own terms- Go 'gainst the grain, compromise a little but not always...Believe in enjoying life to the fullest!' #Reading #Writing #Travelling #Music #Socialization #love for English.... Love, laugh, live.


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