About us

Spectral Hues has been founded by a couple of starry-eyed romantics with their feet firmly planted on the ground (a rather unusual combination, we know!). Blessed with brilliant minds – brilliance running riot like the hues of a spectrum – and looking for excitement beyond their mundane professions, they are not shy of exploring the colourful world.

Well, if you are wondering who they are, let us hasten to confess that they are us. We were just standing apart from ourselves to escape being charged with narcissism!

We peer at the world through our keen eyes and we have our own take on almost everything. We seldom take the “politically correct” stance; if a position we take happens to be “politically correct”, it is a happy coincidence – for the world around us! We are often irreverent in our tongue-in-cheek comments but seldom are we inane or irrelevant. The site we run is a perfect medium for us to present our views through subtle comments that do not escape a careful reader.

While our professions provide us with the proverbial cake (yes, we said ‘cake’!), some of the services we provide bestow us with some alluring icing! (Yes, yes, we love the icing!) We develop web content and provide editorial services to writers. The fairly uncommon talent we have for clear thinking and clearer expression stands us in good stead as we go about rendering our services. We write well; and we edit well too.

But no matter how much we love the icing on the cake, we remain inscrutably above board as we treat ourselves to the icing!


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


©2025 SpectralHues. Powered by SpectralHues. Designed by Vipul Madhani

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