Named after the famous industrialist Jamshedji Tata, Jamshedpur is the largest well planned city of Jharkhand and home of Tata Steels and Tata Motors. Its also called as “The Steel City” of India. The famous tourist spots of Jamshedpur include The Jubilee Park displaying colorfull illuminated fountains and lush green garden, Sri Dorabji Tata Park and Sumant Mulgaonkar Park drawing several visitors because of its captivating scenic beauty, another establishment of TATA having a lake and home to many migratory birds is the Tata Zoological Park, Dalma Wild Life Sanctuary having wild elephant, deer, tiger and many more. There are two famous sports complex in Jamshedpur naming The Keenan Stadium (named after Mr John Lawrence Keenan) and JRD Tata Sports complex holding many national and international games. Jamshedpur offers a wonderful opportunity to experience the natural beauty and rich historicity.Its definitely a must visit of India.