Daman and Diu

Daman and Diu, a small island sandwiched between Gujarat, Maharashtra and the Arabian Sea. It’s a fantastic escape from the busy and hectic life of the city. Give yourself the chance to have a kiss of nature, kicks of waves and listen to the melodious music of wind and get lost in the fascinating history of this island. A part of country called Lata, Daman and Diu was captured by the Portuguese in 16th century from the Shah’s. Being ruled for about 450 years you will find a touch of Portugal architecture all over Daman and Diu. The union Territory of Daman and Diu are actually 650 km away from each other. The diversity of Damn and Diu lies in the languages and cultures. You will find Hindi. English, Gujarati and Portuguese are spoken here.

Daman can be reached easily from Gujarat by well connected western railway. Daman is dived into two parts- Moti Daman and Nain Daman by the river.

Fort of Moti Daman-A prominent landscape for the tourists visiting Daman. This massive landmark is spread at 30,000 sq. m. Its construction started in 1559 AD and continued till 16th century. This well built fort has a church, hospital, post office, governor’s house and a nunnery.
Fort of St. Jerome- Named after St. Jerome this fort of Nain Daman is located on the north side of the river Damanganga. Facing the river side, Gateway of this fort welcomes the tourists with a giant statue of St. Jerome. Its beautiful view makes it a popular picturesque spot.

Beaches, sand, seafood, history and amazing natural beauty and resources, Diu has a lot in his pocket to offer the tourists.

Fort of Diu-With an amazing view of Arabian Sea, exquisite location makes it a prominent tourist must see.

Nagoa beach- A perfect horse-shoe shaped beach providing with variety of water sports and branching palm and Hoka trees attracts many tourists every year. It has everything for all ages.
Being near Gujarat and a great Portuguese influence, Daman and Diu is a delight for everyone when it comes to food. Here you get a flavor of vegetarian food and exotic Seafood.

Daman and Diu has a moderate climate through out but if you plan on visiting the island in winters then November to February is the best time and if you plan the trip in summers then March to April is the time to pack your bags and visit this place.

Details of Daman and Diu Tourism Department

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Website             http://www.diutourism.co.in
Contact No. (02875) – 252653
Email Id info@diutourism.co.in

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Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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