Bizarre and unusual travel expenses

When it comes down to it- Travelling is expensive (and totally worth it). But for someone who loves to travel, here’s a list of preposterous taxes and fees that sure leave a hole in your pocket and rain on your jolly travel mood- airways sure know how to wind passengers up! –

? Breathing tax- Doubt there’s a tax as absurd as this one. Maiquetia International Airport in Caracas, Venezuela, announced that all passengers will now have to pay 127bolivars (Rs1250) per-person tax upon departure to cover the cost of a newly-installed air purification system.

? Fat tax- Downright ridiculous, (2013)Samoa Air became the first airline to charge passengers according to how much they weigh. Almost 80% of the airlines are in support!

? Smoking Tax- At Belfast International Airport, Ireland, travellers accessing the smoking lounge are charged  a Euro for the ‘pleasure’.travel-tax-header

? Airport development fees at various airports like Durham, Norwich, Blackpool,UK etc. set you back by $10 just to take off.

? The EU261 levy- Ryanair had charged all passengers a €2/£2 “EU261 levy” to offset the cost of paying compensation for flight delays and cancellations under EU regulations. Rather nervy considering it boasts itself to be Europe’s most “on-time” airline.

? Name change fee, Ryanair-Any unintended spelling error made while booking online? Pay €110 or €160 to correct the error if it is detected at the airport. Jeez…

? Carry-on luggage- Wizz Air became the first European airline to charge passengers for hand luggage. Bags larger than 42cm x 32cm x 25cm, but smaller than 56cm x 45cm x 25cm, can be placed in an overhead locker – for a £12 fee. Frontier Airlines, charges passengers up to $100 (£64) to take a bag on board. That is the fee when paid at the airport. If it’s paid online, it is $25 (£16). Spirit Airlines and Allegiant Air, have similarly high fees for carry-on baggage.

? Blanket charge – The charge on Norwegian Air shuttle for a blanket is 31 kroner (?240). But the figure pales in comparison to Allegiant Air, which charges between $17 and $25.

Be warned, dear reader, watch these ridiculous expenses and maybe, you can try some more new delicacies, shop some more with the money you save!



About Moulshree Rana

A lost and quiet soul, searching for something here and there, fuelled by wanderlust. With thoughts that wander off the edge of the world - Hand me a pen and my hand now has its own mind, gliding over pages expressing the incomprehensible. Over-thinker. Dreamer. Dauntless. Awkward. Clumsy. A little crazy. Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane. Easily inspired and awed; and that's what keeps me going – knowing that there's still another nook to find. Still another idea to pen. An Avid Poet and a humble blogger @


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