Sony DSC-QX100 and Sony DSC-QX10 – The wonder cameras now in action

The traditional idea of a camera has changed a lot with the coming of smartphones. It is very uncomfortable to carry around a camera all the time with you and if you feel like taking a snap, it takes quite a lot of time to unpack the camera out and capture the Sony-QX10-QX100-1moment. Smartphones on the other hand are always with you, handy, sleek and effective to share photos with others. But the sad part is that your smartphone is not able to capture an image with the same quality as a camera with adjustable lens. Since the lens focus only to a minimum and does not portray the focused image with the right quality.

To take a perfect snap with the help of a smartphone is possible with the coming of Sony DSC-QX100 and Sony DSC-QX10, the two wonder lens that work like a camera and those that look like lens. These two wonder products from Sony, work as a perfect solution to the problem mentioned above. It can help you to take pictures with your smartphones, and focus your image the professional way too.

Sony DSC-QX100 and Sony DSC-QX10 have the body of plastic, and are simply much more that ordinary camera lenses. With the help of a holder, you can attach the lens to the smart phone and your camera is ready. The lenses are actually cameras and your Sony DSC-QX100 & DSC-QX10smartphone acts as a view finder. Sony QX10 has a diameter of 2.5 inches and weighs around 105 grams. Sony QX100 on the other hand is 179 grams and a bit taller than QX10. While Sony DSC-QX10 has 18.2 effective megapixel Exmor R CMOS sensor with G Lens which provides 10x optical zoom, the DSC-QX100 made with 20.2 effective megapixels Exmor R CMOS sensor with G Lens and delivers 3.6x optical zoom.

Here’s the specifications for both the lenses:

Sony DSC QX10

  • 18.2 megapixels
  • BIONX image processor
  • Weight 90 grams, Dimensions 62.4 x 61.8 x 33.3 mm,
  • Micro memory stick
  • Battery – 10 grams, rechargeable 630 mAh Sony NP-BN
  • Optical zoom of 10x
  • Wide angle- F3.3
  • Tele Aperture-F5.9
  • G lens -7 groups that include 4 aspheric elements
  • Optical Steady shot. For videos you get active mode
  • Micro Memory stick or Micro Mark 2 memory stick and Micro SD or SDHC or SDXC Memory Cart


Sony DSC QX100

  • 20.2 megapixels
  • BIONZ image processor
  • Optical zoom of 3.6x
  • Wide angle-F1.8
  • Tele Aperture-F4.9
  • Carl Zeiss Vario sonar T
  • Images 12 MP
  • Weight- 165 grams, Dimensions- 62.5 x 62.5 x 55.5 mm,
  • Battery – 179 grams, rechargeable 630 mAh Sony NP-BP
  • 1440 x 1080 pixel – video recording
  • Optical steady shot. Active mode for videos
  • Micro Memory stick or Micro Mark 2 memory stick and Micro SD or SDHC or SDXC Memory Cart


The best part of these Sony Cyber-shot DSC-QX100 and DSC-QX10 lens cameras are that they are affordable. While The Sony DSC QX10 is available at Rs. 12,990, the DSCQX100 comes at Rs. 24,990.

You can use two methods for connecting these lenses to the phone. One method is the NFC method, where you need only to tap the handset to the lens. This is an automatic connection. With the app PlayMemories mobile app, you will be able to take snaps with ease. The second method or the hardest one is through Wi-Fi. By reaching the settings of Wi-Fi, you need to connect the ad-hoc Wi-Fi network of the lens with the help of an alpha numeric password. The next step is to open PlayMemories Mobile application and get set smile!



Seema Shyam Stelzer

About Seema Shyam Stelzer

If you ask me whether writing is my passion, then I will fail to answer this question. Never in my life did I think that one day I will become a writer by profession. Yes, I did participate for writing competitions during my college days, and yes I did win a few too. But I did not plan to become a professional writer. It is true that whatever you receive is planned by the Almighty beforehand. And I believe Almighty had his own plans in turning my life towards a field I was totally unaware of. I came to the world of creative and content writing by chance. There was a period in my life when I felt I had something important waiting for me, when I quit my job for the sake of my family. As a mother of two, I had certain responsibilities towards my family and wanted to be available for them all the time and this was the time when I thought of using my writing skills some way or the other to earn a small income. Fortunately for me, I got the chance to work under some of the wonderful personalities of the field, who guided me the right way. These are the people who taught me how to become dedicated towards a particular work even when no one is there to watch you.


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