Google Nexus 5, Android KitKat to launch on 15 october?

android-kitkat-nexus 5If rumours are to be believed then Google is set to launch the new smartphone the Google Nexus 5 and updated Android – Kitkat on October 15.

October 15, that is the next Tuesday, has already been scheduled for Google Launchpad event, Google’s popular initiative to help startups to develop their business. The buzz is that the Google Nexus 5 and next Android 4.4 KitKat will be released together at that event

It is rumoured that developers may rename the next update as the Key Lime Pie instead of Kit Kat bars which they gave at the last minute.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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