Google Ara-The new generation smartphones with modular features

Google Ara, the latest project in which Google is investing, is a new path towards connectivity. The launch of Google Ara smartphones will bring about a totally different turn in the history of smartphones. It is a fact that Google does not want to compete with project Arathe high end phones popular these days, it simply aims at providing connectivity to the 6 billion people in the world who are not having any kind of internet access. This is a dream  project of Google, and it has expressed its desire to develop such a smartphone long back.

Yet another peculiarity of Google Ara is that it is a modular smartphone. Modular computers are familiar to us. But the term modular smartphone can create a lot of anxiety among the smartphone users from all round the globe. It is expected that this modular smartphone will be in the hands of users from the year 2015.

The cost of the smartphone too is something surprising. You can afford to buy the barebones endoskeleton at just $50. For making your smartphone function well enough, you simply need to buy the remaining modules. These include a camera, screen, cellular modem and NAND flash storage. All you need to do is slot them inside the phone for a better experience.

Google Ara will be available in three sizes- Mini, Medium and Jumbo. A phablet size is what you can get from a Jumbo Ara. Google has always come up with surprises and this time with Ara, the surprise is that the modules are opened to third parties, while the Google brand remains firm for the endoskeletons alone.

It is assumed that the modules that will be commercialized will be 4mm thick. In short, you will get a phone with an overall thickness of 10mm. so you would be getting a thin modular Google Arasmartphone with loads of features fitted right away.

A series of conferences will be held with the leading hardware makers for the purpose of developing modules that will fit right for the Project Ara Smartphones. The most interesting and mysterious factor about Ara is that even Google is not aware of what kind of modules are about to be developed for Ara by the hardware companies. as per the team of Project Ara, any kind of module can develop for Ara, that may include a camera with thermal imaging, a scanner for fingerprints, a sensor for detecting blood sugar for diabetics patients or even a micro controller that can help you to access the electronics at home with ease.

With the help of an Ara phone, you can even make use of a secondary battery when your primary battery is short of power. This can be done by moving the camera module out and placing the secondary battery in that particular slot. Possibilities for Ara are many. So what you simply can do is to wait until 2015 for this wonder smartphone to get released. With Ara, you will be stepping on a world of modules of your choice.

Seema Shyam Stelzer

About Seema Shyam Stelzer

If you ask me whether writing is my passion, then I will fail to answer this question. Never in my life did I think that one day I will become a writer by profession. Yes, I did participate for writing competitions during my college days, and yes I did win a few too. But I did not plan to become a professional writer. It is true that whatever you receive is planned by the Almighty beforehand. And I believe Almighty had his own plans in turning my life towards a field I was totally unaware of. I came to the world of creative and content writing by chance. There was a period in my life when I felt I had something important waiting for me, when I quit my job for the sake of my family. As a mother of two, I had certain responsibilities towards my family and wanted to be available for them all the time and this was the time when I thought of using my writing skills some way or the other to earn a small income. Fortunately for me, I got the chance to work under some of the wonderful personalities of the field, who guided me the right way. These are the people who taught me how to become dedicated towards a particular work even when no one is there to watch you.


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