Choosing the perfect screen size

So you’re in the market looking for a new device for yourself and wondering what screen size should you pick up? Worry not this guide will help you pick the perfect phone size.

Phone have now become a integral part of one’s life and they come in a lot of variations in screen sizes from 3.5 inch to 7 inch and even bigger so what size is perfect for whom?

The phone – 4.3 inch to 4.7 inch

4.3 inch to 4.7 inch is the ideal size for a phone for any human being, this size is portable enough while giving a good user experience. The videos aren’t crammed nor is it too big to hold, generally the phones in this category are quite thin and light too. The amount of phone in this size is reducing day by day.

The Phablet – 5 inch to 6 inch

So you’re going to Game a lot maybe watch youtube videos or want a all in one device in your pocket for all of this the phablet will be your perfect companion. Although for the bigger size there are a few tradeoffs to make, one of the major one being portability; yes these big phablets although quite portable aren’t portable enough and generally are a bit on the heavier side although with recent developments as these are getting more and more mainstream the design and portability aspect on these are improving as well.

The Giant phone – 6 inch to 7 inch

You are a video buff and you are going to use your phone as your primary entertainment system, watch a lot of movies, maybe stream YouTube or just consume media content in general for all of these you’d need a device which is big and has a really great display. The Giant phones come in play at situations like these. A giant phone is hardly portable, it’s like a tablet only a litter bit shrunk and with calling and internet abilities; giant phones are big and they are heavy and they don’t disguise the fact at all, portability could be a major issue as they will hardly fit any pockets or even a pair of hands but they are still great for people who want the phone as a media device.

The Portable Tablet – 7 to 9 inches

So by now you already have a phone and are in the market for a bigger device on which you could read a few books or watch a few movies or work a bit. A Portable tablet is one such device which could help you with that, it’s big enough to let you work yet portable enough to let you carry it around. Some of the portable tablets come with a sim card slot which lets you use your tablet as a phone, why one would do that is still a big question but it can be done if someone wanted to.

The Tablet – 9 inches and above

If you are looking for a full fledged work device which can me moved around if the need arise look no further than the big screen tablet, an iPad or a big screen Samsung tablet could sort out the work woes and let you carry most of your work on a lighter device instead of lugging around a heavy laptop. These devices also make a great toy for a kid and have replaced gaming consoles to a large extent. Movies, books, videos, work a tablet can handle anything you throw at it with easy and some of the tablets come with a sim card slot for on the go connectivity.

Yash Khatri

About Yash Khatri

In technology we trust. God made man and man created technology thereby proving technology was indeed created by the divine and so we shall always keep it in high regards and staying true to the statement Yash stays in tech all through the day and at night in his dreams. An Avid Apple FanBoy and an Android loyalist a perfect oxymoron, tries to live his life in the simplest of ways possible in the most complex of gadgets. A Writer at Soul, An Entrepreneur at mind and an Avid Techie at Heart.


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