We the people – behind a veil by Lalima Yadav

Lalima Yadav, the 19-year-old talented author from Uttarakhand, has become the youngest writer and first female writer of the state, with her first book “We the people- behind a veil”.

About the book :-

In the world of today, we have many social evils existing within the society, we the peoplethat we live in. Take a look! around and you’ll find CRIME, bullying, racism, discrimination, illiteracy, child sexual abuse and the list goes on. How to get out of it? What to do?

“In my opinion, literature will play a huge part in trying to get the nation to eradicate all such evils and a shape a better society. So, keeping this in my mind, I have penned down the feelings and emotions on the behalf of the victims of such social evils so that people could realize their pain and agony buried in their hearts. This book is an initiative by me to create awareness in the society, esp. the young minds. This book is a motivation in its own way. It is the time to take a stand, raise your voice and, bring a change. Each endeavor that is undertaken by anyone against evils is a worth contribution to the society. Uniqueness of the book is a topic itself, no where, a poetry book on the social issues explaining the feelings of the victims of the 26 social issues had been presented ever before therefore in its own range this book is the first poetry book as such. I have titled all the 26 poems alphabetically in the book. This book is for everyone because you are too a part of this world where the social evils exist and time has come to be a part of a noble deed and transform the society,” Lalima Yadav said. 

About Lalima Yadav:-

Lalima Yadav, 19 years old, hails from the state Uttarakhand, has become the youngest writer and first female writer of the state, with the launch of her first book “We the people- behind a veil“. She is a sort who wants to heal and understand the hearts through her ‘WORDS’. Currently, she is in her last year of graduation as a bachelor in Science from Kumaun University. With a dream to make world, say million hearts, crazy & bind them all together with a thread of love she pen down each & every emotions that she feel in her day to day life. She loves to portray romance and nature. Her theme is ‘Penning down with a view’. Being an ingenious soul with a never dying fortitude she loves to compile songs of every genre. Few of her write-ups as poetry, articles and story had been featured in blogs & different e-magazines’. May Issue of print magazine ‘STYLE HUT’ has placed her article in their magazine. Also, she is the contributing poetess of SPRING POETRY, an international poetry anthology, POETS SHOWCASE- 2014 International anthology and American Contemporary Poetry Digest (May issue) too. She is the contributing author of an anthology named CRUSH-an incomplete heartbeat. In addition, she is associatedwith Raindrops Event Management Company as marketing and advertising executive. At present, she is associated with two e-magazines, World of words and with EArticulate as content and literary manager. Soon, she’ll be launching her full length novel.

Her view about literature is:-

“Writing is not my hobby, it is my love and so it is a reason that I am surviving for.”

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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