Anjolie Ela Menon releases Vriksha – The Art and Times of SG Vasudev

New Delhi, 9th September 2015; it was an evening full of whose who of Delhi Literary and Art World at the release function of SG Vasudev’s book Vriksha – The Art and Times of SG Vasudev at the India International Centre, New Delhi. The 400 page coffee table book, that’s devoted to the veteran’s work spanning over the years was released by Renowned artist and Padmashree awardee, Anjolie Ela Menon.

The Book is excellent and it gives insight to Vasudev’ life and art. I knew Vasudev for many years and met him at Cholamandal years ago when I visited the place. I wish Popular Prakashan brings out more publications on artists, said Anjolie Ela Menon.

Sharing his thoughts, author SG Vasudev said, I always like the idea of different sister arts and literature coming together. Had the opportunity of meeting Girish Karnad, while I was a student at the College of Art in Madras. Through him I met several literary and theatre personalities which made an impact on me and my work. And living in Cholamandal Artists’ Village in Chennai, one had the opportunity of interacting with musicians, dancers, poets, theatre personalities etc. This has enriched my life.

The book release was followed by an interesting panel discussion on ‘Artistic Connections’ where participants like Sahitya Akademi Young Writer Award for English language winner, Janice Pariat, theatre actor Oroon Das, musician Sajid Akbar and playwright and theatre director Neel Chaudhari shared their views.

Vriksha – The Art and Times of S.G. Vasudev, published by Popular Prakashan, was first launched in Bengaluru two years ago, followed by a Chennai launch. The film made by Chetan Shah has been screened in at least 10 different places in Bengaluru, Chennai and New Delhi. However, the book was only launched in New Delhi on September 4. Vriksha features essays on different artistic and personal phases of Vasudev’s life and interviews by art critics, writers and friends. This effort, he says, has been anchored by him in entirety. Vasudev’s work — copper-reliefs, drawings, tapestries, paintings — is discussed at length in the book, which also speaks of his influences of theatre, dance, literature and poetry. There is a section devoted to his work on A.K. Ramanujan’s poetry.

As a science student studying at a college in Bangalore, drawing came early and easily to Setlur Gopal Vasudev. He produced several cartoons in the style of acknowledged master of art. Soon Vasudev realized this vocation lay not in science but in art and then on enrolled in the Government College of Arts and Craft, Madras.

His earlier Vriksha paintings represent life in all its nuances. Further, they represent human beings in many aspects, a tree growing to look like a face, or two or three floating bodies making up a tree of life and death. From being a cartoonist and an admirer of David Low and Laxman as a young college student to becoming one of leading contemporary artists in India, this book is his story.

About S.G. Vasudev: Born in Mysore (Karnataka) in 1941, SG Vasudev received recognition as a painter early in his career. Vasudev has participated in several important group exhibitions in India and abroad (including the Triennale India, the Paris Biennale, the Havana Biennale, India’s National Gallery of Modern Art show in Washington, the Festival of India in Tokyo and “The New South – Contemporary Painting & Sculpture from South India” in London). In addition, he has held solo exhibitions in different parts of India and the world.

He is a founder-member of the Cholamandal Artists’ Village on the outskirts of Madras (now Chennai), where he lived and worked till 1988. He now lives and works in Bangalore. Vasudev has also been on the Executive Board of the Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi and is a member of the advisory committee of National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. He is founder and Managing Trustee of ArnawazVasudev Charities which provides financial assistance to young artists since 1989.

About Popular Prakashan: A 90-year-old publishing house, Popular Prakashan has a diverse publishing portfolio across English and multiple Indian languages. It is a name synonymous with high-quality publishing in English and Marathi, having published over a thousand and over nine hundred titles in both languages respectively.

Having pioneered the fields of social sciences and medical publishing in India, Popular has also carved a reputation for itself in the area of general books and children’s books and cookery books Popular Prakashan has offices in Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore.

Sprightly Spirit

About Sprightly Spirit

“I dare do all that may become a man. Who dares more is none”. And all, may be. It may be the vigor. Or the spirit. Or the courage to avoid being “politically correct” or bent. And, ban all averse with immaculate overture of graciously fathomable words firm in views. Subtle. Justifying the undying conscience. Values. Knowledge. And, dares to stay true. True to own. True to the world. And, to the words. With a dream in eyes it exists. In you. In me. In all. The sprite that never shies away. The spirit that never dies!


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