‘Women empowerment’. ‘Safety for women’. ‘Respect women’. ‘Gender equality’. ‘Protect women’. ‘Beti bachao, beti padhao’. In tumultuous times as now, these phrases are constantly thrown at us to pacify the revolt that is surging. When juxtaposed with the statistics of female foeticide, the truth behind these statements comes to light as their futility lays bare. Now, this isn’t obviously a very recent phenomenon that has surfaced out of nowhere to haunt us but has been a part of the Indian society since decades.

Photo: ukmalayalee.com
The predominant ‘son preference’ practice has manifested itself in the most appalling manner where in 2011 there were merely 940 females to a population of 1000 males. Female infanticide, sexual crimes against women, dowry deaths and other ritual and cultural practices are the prominent causes of such a pathetic state of the Indian society. But even more striking is the role of female foeticide in reaching this sex ratio where girls are not allowed to enter this world. They are denied the fundamental right to life in the most blatant manner possible! And the world is complacently living with this fact. That disgusts me.
The double standards that mark this inhumane culture are simply absurd! When seeking a sexual alliance or a marital union, every shallow, proud, misogynistic patriarch would want a young, beautiful, respectable woman. At the same time, you are killing a female fetus! How on earth can you possible live with that mentality doing the rounds? The sheer hypocrisy and chauvinism evident through that is disgraceful.
Now the implications and large scale, long run consequences are not hard to come up with. Given the growth rate of this practice, there will very soon come a time when there simply won’t be any girls to serve the lustful desires of this inherently patriarchal world. I am deliberately using the term ‘serve’ because that is the basic assumption and work of a female according to male chauvinists. Experts believe that the perpetually declining sex ratio will lead to an increase in sexual crimes against women. I, with utmost deep regrets, believe we are facing its commencement now.

Photo: newshence.com
Under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques or Prohibition of Sex Selection Act 1994 there is a clear ban on pre-natal sex determination. Owing to the lack of proper implementation, it is still rampant. Since this occurs in quite a concealed manner, in private unlicenced clinics or hospitals, it becomes difficult for detection by the police to take action against.
What is it that we are actually doing when we forcibly, to satiate our boorish needs, prevent a female child from living? We are killing our mothers. We are killing those who gave birth to us. We are killing the reason why we are even breathing at this very moment. We are killing the reason why we are alive. The theory behind the son preference is due to the notion that men are breadwinners and will support the family. I believe that no rationalization could ever serve to justify it. I fail to comprehend what insanity, what perversion of the mind could allow for such a thing to actually take shape! Not being a woman, but simply by virtue of being human.

Photo: yodesh.com
While researching for this article I stumbled upon a work which stated the problem that Haryana Jats are facing because of the lack of brides. On the one hand it is a cruel manifestation of female foeticide but on the other hand, the mere fact that these men face difficulty in finding wives points to the utter negation of women to sex objects and servants! It goes on to show that the only time when men actually feel the need for women is when they have the inclination to have sex! How patronizing can you get?
All this talk reminds me of the Bara Rani’s statement in Tagore’s The Home and the World. “I would not live my life again- not as a woman! Let what I have had to bear end with this one birth. I could not bear it over again.”
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Tags: Female foeticide foeticide india sex ratio in India