It’s Dogs’ Own Country Too!

The origin of puppy dog eyes. Man’s best friend since the dawn of time. And the most loyal companion a person can have is being brutally killed off by the government of Kerala. In the light of reports filed recently in Kerala, around 200,000 stray dogs are roaming, apparently being considered as a “threat” to the civilians by the Kerala Government. Shocked at the inhuman decision of the government, a nationwide campaign has been launched to save the mute souls. It aptly chucks the slogan, ‘God’s own country has become dogs’ own hell.’

The eradication of stray dogs is being looked down upon by people all over the country. The unspoken cry of these canines is being heard even to the north of the country; even in Delhi (almost 2000 kilometers from Kerala). The atrocious decision has been harshly criticized by millions of people in the country who have taken upon themselves to stop this horrifying proposal of killing dogs left, right and center. The Kerala government however isn’t concerned about the effect of going ahead with this proposal on tourism. This is because the widespread effects of the online campaign haven’t started to actually mess with the tourism of the state.

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The power of social media is vast. With the hashtag #BoycottKerala trending fast on twitter, the campaigners aiming to save these lovable creatures have decided to boycott the state itself to retaliate against the declaration of this proposal. An online petition is circulating on social media that boasts of about 50,000 signatures already. The Federation of Indian Animal Support Organizations (FIASO) is fully supporting the large number of compassionate people trying to stop this proposal.

On the other hand, there is a rival hashtag started by people #BoycottHate that aims at making these people reacting so strongly about the proposal, realize that they are over reacting. Though somewhere down the line, 200,000 does seem a huge number of dogs which, if got out of hand, could create a problem in the future regarding the tourism industry. But people are in no mood to consider the other side of the argument. It is only sensible that the government weigh both options before going ahead. But it has decided to go ahead with it because it feels that tourism will be affected in the future if steps aren’t taken now.

People from all over the country have joined hands to save these innocent creatures from being slaughtered. Tweeting both ways, the dog culling proposal has garnered quite a reaction from the masses. People have hit the state where it hurts the most, i.e., tourism. Some have even gone as far as to tell everyone to book hotels in Kerala and then to cancel them as a way to rebel. Though we are not saying anything as a firm opinion, we urge the Keralan Government to consider this: isn’t it their right to live too?

Figures taken from: The BBC news website.

(Author: Asavari Vaidya)


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