When asked to think about the word ‘disability’ the general assumption would be the evocation of sympathy and pity for those who belong to this category. The others- who are fully fit and bodily perfect- might even feel pity on them and heave a sigh. But where does this reaction stem from? Why is it categorized as inherently negative and pathetic?

Image Source: Deccan Chronicle
After all, people who are physically challenged or mentally impaired are normal humans who unfortunately do not possess a fully functioning faculty of the mind and body. But the way society looks down upon them as if their condition is natural, irreversible and to an extent deserving, is a source of concern. 2.21 % of India’s population is disabled according to the Census conducted in 2011. Statistically it might seem like a small number, but given the exact numeric of the people, it is quite shocking to know that they are being discriminated against for no fault of their own. So who is responsible for their hellish condition in our country?
Disability is not a merely a biological phenomenon but the society renders the disabled so. Public places do not have any system of allowing access to the physically handicapped. Moreover, even government buildings including courts do not have a ramp. This is like saying; the doors of the government are closed for them. Most educational facilities do not have proper infrastructure to adjust these kids and provide them with a nurturing environment. Helpless, hapless, they have no last resort.

Image Source: New Indian Express
Each day is a challenge for them as they have to face the world, one that is not ready to accept them. Routine chores which might seem mundane to us are one of the many obstacles they need to overcome in their lives. Devoid of any social and financial support, they strive to live yet another day only to wake up to a callous and insensitive world.
Our culture is one that looks up to bodily perfection and any sort of dissent from it is unacceptable. This vicious social perception elevates the distress of those who deviate from this socially desirable description. Terms such as ‘blind, deaf, bechara’ are hurled as insults. The indecency with which they are alluded to heightens the existing discrimination.

Image Source: Indian Express
Although, most of these are congenital, there is also a strong parallel between disability and poverty. Physical handicap is more prevalent in poor families since they are unable to get timely medical help or may lack the money for proper treatment. On top of that, their children are not educated due to various reasons and hence, their disability transforms into a curse for them and these children are seen as liabilities for their families. Since they cannot prove to be an earning member, they are rendered useless by the society as well.
The Indian constitution has put in place a plethora of rules, acts and provisions to protect their interest such as the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, Rehabilitation Council of India Act, 1992, The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill,2011. Commendable efforts have been made in this direction yet a lot needs to be done. The entire issue boils down to the

Image Source: The Sunday Indian
problem of implementation. Along with government action, there is a pressing need to change the social attitude towards this issue. By perceiving them as victimized, debilitated and powerless we are generating a point of view that they are different from us, oblivious of our various other uniting forces. Hence the first step towards improving their social status is by accepting them and treating them as any other human who just needs a little more care and not our sympathy! Most importantly, adequate infrastructure that is disable-friendly needs to be constructed so that they aren’t denied entry to certain places, events, etc. Only when they are presented with equal opportunities will they ever be able to elevate their position in the society and the country.
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Tags: Disability Disability in India