It seems ‘drought selfie’ was necessary for Minister Pankaja Munde


BJP minister in Maharashtra, Pankaja Munde came under severe criticism after her selfies in the drought-hit Latur went viral. Munde, who was touring in Latur for reviewing the condition of the drought-hit city in the Marathwada region was seen taking selfies and later posted a couple of them on twitter.

This insensitive act of Munde drove criticism on Monday.

BJP’s ally in the state, Shiv Sena called it an unfortunate act. Its leader Manisha Kayande said, “In such a serious situation the ministers are clicking selfies. I think they should watch their actions before doing such things. Pankaja Munde should have avoided this.”

The opposition Congress party too, did not lose the opportunity and said, “BJP as a whole is a selfie and optics party, this is like making a mockery of the drought.”

Pankaja Munde, however, defended herself on Monday, even as she was criticized on the social media. She said that the selfies were posted by her in appreciation of the work done in Latur by the local administration for drought relief.

  •  Following are some Twitter reactions to Munde’s drought-selfie:

#Pankaja Munde: her brazen selfie is putting salt on the wounds of drought struck farmers of Mara’wada against her crocodile tears 4 farmres

– Krishna Pachegonker @krishpachegonkr

So Pankaja Munde took a drought selfie that’s so inhuman & she is so childish and not fit to be a minister

– Amit Kumar @amitkumarz

Pankaja Munde took a drought selfie? Something that clearly needs a chullu bhar paani

– Madhavan Narayanan Verified account @madversity

Pankaja munde, water conservation minister of maharashtra takes a selfie while reviewing d drought situation. SHAME

– Rana Ayyub @RanaAyyub

Finally Pankaja Munde got a solution for draught. #SelfieWithRiver

– Adil @Adilogics

Suyash Karangutkar

About Suyash Karangutkar

Suyash Karangutkar is a young, dedicated and an enthusiastic journalist who has a deep interest in National and International Affairs. He is an ardent political spectator who finds politics fascinating. At Spectralhues, he heads the Mumbai team and covers National Affairs & Politics. He also occasionally writes columns for Spectralhues. He can be followed on Twitter @columnistsuyash


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